Module timexseries_clustering.data_clustering.pipeline

Expand source code
import logging
import os
import pickle
from functools import reduce
from typing import Tuple, List

import dateparser
import numpy, pandas
from pandas import DataFrame

from timexseries_clustering.data_clustering.models.kmeans_cluster import KMeansModel
from timexseries_clustering.data_clustering.models.gmm_cluster import GaussianMixtureModel
from timexseries_clustering.data_clustering.xcorr import calc_all_xcorr
from timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container import TimeSeriesContainer
from timexseries_clustering.data_clustering.transformation import transformation_factory

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def get_best_univariate_clusters(ingested_data: DataFrame, param_config: dict, total_xcorr: dict = None) -> \
        Tuple[dict, list]:
    Compute, for all the columns in `ingested_data` (every time-series) the best univariate clustering possible.
    This is done using the clustering approach specified in `param_config` and testing the effect of the different 
    clustering algorithms, similarity measurements and transformations specified in `param_config`. 
    Moreover, the best feature transformation found, across the possible ones, will be returned.

    ingested_data : DataFrame
        Initial data of the time-series.
    param_config : dict
        TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary. In particular, the `model_parameters` sub-dictionary will be used. In
        `model_parameters` the following options has to be specified:

        - `clustering_approach`: clustering approach which will be use (options: "observation_based", "feature_based" or "model_based").
        - `pre_transformation`: only one data preprocesing transformation to test, for Feature Based clustering approach, i.e.: none,log or log_modified
        - `feature_transformations`: comma-separated list of transformations keywords (e.g. "none,DWT,DFT,SVD").
        - `distance_metric`: distance/similarity measure which will be use (e.g. "ED,DTW,arma").
        - `models`: comma-separated list of the models to use (e.g. "agglomerative, k_means").
        - `main_accuracy_estimator`: error metric which will be minimized as target by the procedure. E.g. "rand_index", "silhouette_index","sse".
    total_xcorr : dict, optional, default None
        Cross-correlation dictionary computed by `calc_all_xcorr`. The cross-correlation is actually not used in this
        function, however it is used to build the returned `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer`, if given.

    dict **
        Dictionary which assigns the best transformation for every used prediction model, for every time-series.
    list **
        A list of `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` objects, one for each time-series.

    Create some fake data:
    >>> dates = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=30)  # Last index is 2000-01-30
    >>> ds = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates, freq="D")
    >>> a = np.arange(30, 60)
    >>> b = np.arange(60, 90)
    >>> timeseries_dataframe = DataFrame(data={"a": a, "b": b}, index=ds)

    And create the model configuration part of the TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary:
    >>> param_config = {
    ...  "model_parameters": {
    ...      "clustering_approach": "observation_based,feature_based,model_based",
    ...      "models": "k_means,gaussian_mixture", 
    ...      "pre_transformation": "none", 
    ...      "distance_metric": "euclidean,dtw,softdtw",
    ...      "feature_transformations": "DWT", 
    ...      "n_clusters": [3, 4, 5, 6], 
    ...      "gamma": 0.01, 
    ...      "main_accuracy_estimator": "silhouette" 
    ...     },
    ... }

    Now, get the univariate clusters:
    >>> timeseries_outputs = get_best_univariate_clusters(timeseries_dataframe, param_config)

    It is reasonable with this simple data that no transformation is the best transformation.**
    We have the `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` list as well:
    >>> timeseries_outputs
    [<timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer at 0x7f62f45d1fa0>,
     <timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer at 0x7f62d4596sf0>,
     <timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer at 0x7f62d4e97cd0>]

    These are the `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` objects, one for each clustering approach
    Each one has various fields, in this case the most interesting one is `models`:
    >>> timeseries_outputs[0].models
    {'k_means': <timexseries.data_prediction.models.predictor.ModelResult at 0x7f62f45d1d90>}

    This is the `timexseries.data_prediction.models.predictor.ModelResult` object for k_means that we have just computed.

    case_name = [param_config["activity_title"]]
    approaches_to_test = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["clustering_approach"].split(",")]
    num_clusters_to_test = param_config["model_parameters"]["n_clusters"]
    dist_measures_to_test = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["distance_metric"].split(",")]
    main_accuracy_estimator = param_config["model_parameters"]["main_accuracy_estimator"]
    # Apply the preprocesing transformation: none,log,logmodified or none.
        data_procesing_transformation = param_config["model_parameters"]["pre_transformation"]
    except KeyError:
        data_procesing_transformation = "none"
    pre_transf = transformation_factory(data_procesing_transformation)
    ingested_data_pre_transform = pre_transf.apply(ingested_data.copy())

    timeseries_containers = []

    # Get the set of CPUs on which the calling process is eligible to run.
        max_threads = param_config['max_threads']
    except KeyError:
            max_threads = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
            max_threads = 1

    columns = ingested_data_pre_transform.columns

    for col in columns:
        timeseries_data = ingested_data_pre_transform[[col]]
        xcorr = total_xcorr[col] if total_xcorr is not None else None

    for clustering_approach in approaches_to_test:
        best_model = {}
        model_results = {}
        model_counter = 0
        models = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["models"].split(",")]
        if clustering_approach =='observation_based':
            transformations_to_test = ['none']
            try: models.remove('gaussian_mixture')
            except: pass
        elif clustering_approach == 'feature_based':
            transformations_to_test = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["feature_transformations"].split(",")]
            try: models.remove('gaussian_mixture')
            except: pass
        elif clustering_approach =='model_based':
            transformations_to_test = ['none']
            dist_measures_to_test = ['Log-likelihood']
            try: models.remove('k_means')
            except: pass
  "Wrong name approach: {clustering_approach}, introduce the approach's name correctly and without spaces, i.e.: 'observation_based,feature_based,model_based'")
        for model in models:
            this_model_performances = []
            model_results[model] = {}
  "Using approach: {clustering_approach} and using model {model}...")
            for metric in dist_measures_to_test:
                this_metric_performances = []
                single_results = []
                for transf in transformations_to_test:
                    for n_clus in num_clusters_to_test:
              "Computing univariate clustering using approach: {clustering_approach}, number of clusters: {n_clus}, distance metric: {metric} and transformation: {transf}...")
                        tr = transformation_factory(transf)
                        ingested_data_transform = tr.apply(ingested_data_pre_transform)
                        _result = model_factory(ingested_data_transform, clustering_approach, model, distance_metric=metric, param_config=param_config, transformation=transf, n_clusters=n_clus)
                        model_single_results = _result.results[0] #SingleResult
                        characteristics = _result.characteristics
                        best_clustering = _result.best_clustering
                        performances = getattr(model_single_results.performances, main_accuracy_estimator)
                        this_metric_performances.append((_result, performances, n_clus, transf))
                        this_model_performances.append((_result, performances, n_clus, metric, transf, best_clustering))
                if main_accuracy_estimator=="silhouette":
                    this_metric_performances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1],reverse=True)
                    this_metric_performances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
                best_result = this_metric_performances[0][0] #object ModelResult
                best_n_clusters = this_metric_performances[0][2]
                best_n_trans = this_metric_performances[0][3]
      "For the metric: {metric} the best clustering is obtained using {best_n_clusters} number of clusters and transformation {best_n_trans}.")
                best_result.results = single_results
                model_results[model][metric] = best_result #object ModelResult

            if main_accuracy_estimator=="silhouette":
                this_model_performances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1],reverse=True)
                this_model_performances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
            best_n_clusters = this_model_performances[0][2]
            best_metric = this_model_performances[0][3]
            best_n_trans = this_model_performances[0][4]
            best_cluster_vector = this_model_performances[0][5]
            column_names = ingested_data.columns.values
            clusters_indexes = numpy.unique(best_cluster_vector)
            data = []
            column_values = []
            for yi in clusters_indexes:
                data.append(column_names[best_cluster_vector == yi])
                column_values.append('Cluster '+str(yi))
            clusters_label = pandas.DataFrame(data = data,index = column_values) 
            cluster_table_df = clusters_label.transpose()
  "For the model: {model} the best clustering is obtained using metric {best_metric}, with {best_n_clusters} number of clusters, and transformation {best_n_trans}.")
            if model_counter == 0:
                best_model["clustering_approach"] = clustering_approach
                best_model["model"] = model
                best_model["distance_metric"] = best_metric
                best_model["n_clusters"] = best_n_clusters
                best_model["feature_transformation"] = best_n_trans
                best_model["pre_transformation"] = data_procesing_transformation
                best_model["accuracy_estimator"] = main_accuracy_estimator
                best_model["performance"] = this_model_performances[0][1]
                best_model["clusters_table"] = cluster_table_df
                model_counter = model_counter+1
            elif this_model_performances[0][1] > best_model["performance"]:
                best_model["model"] = model
                best_model["distance_metric"] = best_metric
                best_model["n_clusters"] = best_n_clusters
                best_model["feature_transformation"] = best_n_trans
                best_model["pre_transformation"] = data_procesing_transformation
                best_model["performance"] = this_model_performances[0][1]
                best_model["clusters_table"] = cluster_table_df
               "Process of {clustering_approach} clustering finished")
            TimeSeriesContainer(ingested_data, str(characteristics['clustering_approach']), model_results, best_model, xcorr))
    return timeseries_containers

def get_best_clusters(ingested_data: DataFrame, param_config: dict):
    Starting from `ingested_data`, using the models/cross correlation settings set in `param_config`, return the best
    possible clustering in a `timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` for all the time-series in `ingested_data`.
    ingested_data : DataFrame
        Initial data of the time-series.
    param_config : dict
        TIMEX configuration dictionary. `get_best_univariate_clusters` and `get_best_multivariate_clusters` (multivariate_clustering will be realased in timexseries_clustering 2.0.0) will
        use the various settings in `param_config`.
        A list of `timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` objects, one for each time-series.
    This is basically the function on top of `get_best_univariate_clusters` and `get_best_multivariate_predictions`:
    it will call first the univariate and then the multivariate if the cross-correlation section is present in `param_config`.
    Create some data:
    >>> dates = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=30)  # Last index is 2000-01-30
    >>> ds = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates, freq="D")
    >>> a = np.arange(30, 60)
    >>> b = np.arange(60, 90)
    >>> timeseries_dataframe = DataFrame(data={"a": a, "b": b}, index=ds)
    Simply compute the clustering and get the returned `timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` objects:
    >>> timeseries_outputs = get_best_clusters(timeseries_dataframe, param_config)

    if "xcorr_parameters" in param_config and len(ingested_data.columns) > 1:"Computing the cross-correlation...")
        total_xcorr = calc_all_xcorr(ingested_data=ingested_data, param_config=param_config)
        total_xcorr = None

    timeseries_containers = get_best_univariate_clusters(ingested_data, param_config, total_xcorr)
    #best_transformations, timeseries_containers = get_best_univariate_clusters(ingested_data, param_config, total_xcorr)
    """ **
    if total_xcorr is not None or "additional_regressors" in param_config:
        timeseries_containers = get_best_multivariate_predictions(timeseries_containers=timeseries_containers, ingested_data=ingested_data,
    return timeseries_containers

def create_timeseries_containers(ingested_data: DataFrame, param_config: dict):
    Entry points of the pipeline; it will compute univariate (multivariate in future realeases 2.0.0) clustering, or only
    create the containers with the time-series data, according to the content of `param_config`, with this logic:

    - if `model_parameters` is in `param_config`, then `get_best_clusters` will be called;
    - else, create a list of `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` with only the time-series data and, if
      `xcorr_parameters` is in `param_config`, with also the cross-correlation.

    ingested_data : DataFrame
        Initial data of the time-series.

    param_config : dict
        TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary.

        A list of `timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` objects, one for each time-series.

    The first example of `get_best_clusters` applies also here; calling `create_timeseries_containers` will
    produce the same identical result.

    However, if no clustering should be made but we just want the time-series containers:
    >>> dates = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=30)  # Last index is 2000-01-30
    >>> ds = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates, freq="D")
    >>> a = np.arange(30, 60)
    >>> b = np.arange(60, 90)
    >>> timeseries_dataframe = DataFrame(data={"a": a, "b": b}, index=ds)

    Create the containers:
    >>> param_config = {}
    >>> timeseries_outputs = create_timeseries_containers(timeseries_dataframe, param_config)

    Check that no models, no historical predictions and no cross-correlation are present in the containers:
    >>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].models)
    >>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].historical_prediction)
    >>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].xcorr)

    If `xcorr_parameters` was specified, then the last command would not return None.
    Check that the time-series data is there:

    >>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].timeseries_data)
    2000-01-01  30
    2000-01-02  31
    2000-01-29  58
    2000-01-30  59
    if "model_parameters" in param_config:
        log.debug(f"Computing best clustering.")
        timeseries_containers = get_best_clusters(ingested_data, param_config)
        log.debug(f"Creating containers only for data visualization.")
        timeseries_containers = []
        if "xcorr_parameters" in param_config and len(ingested_data.columns) > 1:
            total_xcorr = calc_all_xcorr(ingested_data=ingested_data, param_config=param_config)
            total_xcorr = None

        for col in ingested_data.columns:
            timeseries_data = ingested_data[[col]]
            timeseries_xcorr = total_xcorr[col] if total_xcorr is not None else None
                TimeSeriesContainer(timeseries_data, None, None, timeseries_xcorr)

    return timeseries_containers

def model_factory(ingested_data: DataFrame, clustering_approach: str, model_class: str, distance_metric: str, param_config: dict, transformation: str = None, n_clusters: int = 3): #-> ClustersModel:
    Given the clustering_approach and name of the model, return the corresponding ClustersModel.

    clustering_approach : str
        Clustering approach, e.g. "observation_based"
    model_class : str
        Model type, e.g. "k_means"
    param_config : dict
        TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary, to pass to the just created model.
    distance_metric : str, e.g. **
        Distance/similarity measure type, e.g. "euclidean, dtw, softdtw" **
    transformation : str, optional, default None
        Optional `transformation` parameter to pass to the just created model.
    n_clusters : int, optional, default 3
        Optional `number of clusters` parameter to pass to the just created model.

        Model Result of the class specified in `model_class`, it contains the 
        results of the best clustering with the index of the cluster that each 
        time series belongs to. Contains also the model characteristics and the 
        centers of each cluster.

    >>> param_config = {
    ...  "model_parameters": {
    ...      "clustering_approach": "observation_based",
    ...      "models": "k_means", 
    ...      "pre_transformation": "none", 
    ...      "distance_metric": "euclidean,dtw,softdtw",
    ...      "feature_transformations": "DWT", 
    ...      "n_clusters": [3, 4, 5, 6], 
    ...      "gamma": 0.01, 
    ...      "main_accuracy_estimator": "silhouette" 
    ...     },

    >>> model = model_factory(timeseriescontainer[0].timeseries_data, clustering_approach='observation_based', model_class='k_means', distance_metric='dtw', param_config=param_config, transformation=None, n_clusters=3)

    if clustering_approach == "observation_based":
        if model_class == "k_means":            
            return KMeansModel(ingested_data=ingested_data, clustering_approach="Observation based", distance_metric=distance_metric, 
                               param_config=param_config, transformation=transformation, n_clusters=n_clusters)
        if model_class == "hierarchical":  
            print('Model in construction...')
    if clustering_approach == "feature_based":
        if model_class == "k_means":
            return KMeansModel(ingested_data=ingested_data, clustering_approach="Feature based", distance_metric=distance_metric, 
                               param_config=param_config, transformation=transformation, n_clusters=n_clusters)
    if clustering_approach == "model_based":
        if model_class == "gaussian_mixture": 
            return GaussianMixtureModel(ingested_data=ingested_data, clustering_approach="Model based", distance_metric=distance_metric, 
                               param_config=param_config, transformation=transformation, n_clusters=n_clusters)


def create_timeseries_containers(ingested_data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, param_config: dict)

Entry points of the pipeline; it will compute univariate (multivariate in future realeases 2.0.0) clustering, or only create the containers with the time-series data, according to the content of param_config, with this logic:

  • if model_parameters is in param_config, then get_best_clusters() will be called;
  • else, create a list of timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer with only the time-series data and, if xcorr_parameters is in param_config, with also the cross-correlation.


ingested_data : DataFrame
Initial data of the time-series.
param_config : dict
TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary.


A list of TimeSeriesContainer objects, one for each time-series.


The first example of get_best_clusters() applies also here; calling create_timeseries_containers() will produce the same identical result.

However, if no clustering should be made but we just want the time-series containers:

>>> dates = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=30)  # Last index is 2000-01-30
>>> ds = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates, freq="D")
>>> a = np.arange(30, 60)
>>> b = np.arange(60, 90)
>>> timeseries_dataframe = DataFrame(data={"a": a, "b": b}, index=ds)

Create the containers:

>>> param_config = {}
>>> timeseries_outputs = create_timeseries_containers(timeseries_dataframe, param_config)

Check that no models, no historical predictions and no cross-correlation are present in the containers:

>>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].models)
>>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].historical_prediction)
>>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].xcorr)

If xcorr_parameters was specified, then the last command would not return None. Check that the time-series data is there:

>>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].timeseries_data)
2000-01-01  30
2000-01-02  31
2000-01-29  58
2000-01-30  59
Expand source code
def create_timeseries_containers(ingested_data: DataFrame, param_config: dict):
    Entry points of the pipeline; it will compute univariate (multivariate in future realeases 2.0.0) clustering, or only
    create the containers with the time-series data, according to the content of `param_config`, with this logic:

    - if `model_parameters` is in `param_config`, then `get_best_clusters` will be called;
    - else, create a list of `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` with only the time-series data and, if
      `xcorr_parameters` is in `param_config`, with also the cross-correlation.

    ingested_data : DataFrame
        Initial data of the time-series.

    param_config : dict
        TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary.

        A list of `timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` objects, one for each time-series.

    The first example of `get_best_clusters` applies also here; calling `create_timeseries_containers` will
    produce the same identical result.

    However, if no clustering should be made but we just want the time-series containers:
    >>> dates = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=30)  # Last index is 2000-01-30
    >>> ds = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates, freq="D")
    >>> a = np.arange(30, 60)
    >>> b = np.arange(60, 90)
    >>> timeseries_dataframe = DataFrame(data={"a": a, "b": b}, index=ds)

    Create the containers:
    >>> param_config = {}
    >>> timeseries_outputs = create_timeseries_containers(timeseries_dataframe, param_config)

    Check that no models, no historical predictions and no cross-correlation are present in the containers:
    >>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].models)
    >>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].historical_prediction)
    >>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].xcorr)

    If `xcorr_parameters` was specified, then the last command would not return None.
    Check that the time-series data is there:

    >>> print(timeseries_outputs[0].timeseries_data)
    2000-01-01  30
    2000-01-02  31
    2000-01-29  58
    2000-01-30  59
    if "model_parameters" in param_config:
        log.debug(f"Computing best clustering.")
        timeseries_containers = get_best_clusters(ingested_data, param_config)
        log.debug(f"Creating containers only for data visualization.")
        timeseries_containers = []
        if "xcorr_parameters" in param_config and len(ingested_data.columns) > 1:
            total_xcorr = calc_all_xcorr(ingested_data=ingested_data, param_config=param_config)
            total_xcorr = None

        for col in ingested_data.columns:
            timeseries_data = ingested_data[[col]]
            timeseries_xcorr = total_xcorr[col] if total_xcorr is not None else None
                TimeSeriesContainer(timeseries_data, None, None, timeseries_xcorr)

    return timeseries_containers
def get_best_clusters(ingested_data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, param_config: dict)

Starting from ingested_data, using the models/cross correlation settings set in param_config, return the best possible clustering in a TimeSeriesContainer for all the time-series in ingested_data. Parameters

ingested_data : DataFrame
Initial data of the time-series.
param_config : dict
TIMEX configuration dictionary. get_best_univariate_clusters() and get_best_multivariate_clusters (multivariate_clustering will be realased in timexseries_clustering 2.0.0) will use the various settings in param_config.


A list of TimeSeriesContainer objects, one for each time-series.


This is basically the function on top of get_best_univariate_clusters() and get_best_multivariate_predictions: it will call first the univariate and then the multivariate if the cross-correlation section is present in param_config. Create some data:

>>> dates = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=30)  # Last index is 2000-01-30
>>> ds = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates, freq="D")
>>> a = np.arange(30, 60)
>>> b = np.arange(60, 90)
>>> timeseries_dataframe = DataFrame(data={"a": a, "b": b}, index=ds)
Simply compute the clustering and get the returned <code><a title="timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer" href="../timeseries_container.html#timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer">TimeSeriesContainer</a></code> objects:
>>> timeseries_outputs = get_best_clusters(timeseries_dataframe, param_config)
Expand source code
def get_best_clusters(ingested_data: DataFrame, param_config: dict):
    Starting from `ingested_data`, using the models/cross correlation settings set in `param_config`, return the best
    possible clustering in a `timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` for all the time-series in `ingested_data`.
    ingested_data : DataFrame
        Initial data of the time-series.
    param_config : dict
        TIMEX configuration dictionary. `get_best_univariate_clusters` and `get_best_multivariate_clusters` (multivariate_clustering will be realased in timexseries_clustering 2.0.0) will
        use the various settings in `param_config`.
        A list of `timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` objects, one for each time-series.
    This is basically the function on top of `get_best_univariate_clusters` and `get_best_multivariate_predictions`:
    it will call first the univariate and then the multivariate if the cross-correlation section is present in `param_config`.
    Create some data:
    >>> dates = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=30)  # Last index is 2000-01-30
    >>> ds = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates, freq="D")
    >>> a = np.arange(30, 60)
    >>> b = np.arange(60, 90)
    >>> timeseries_dataframe = DataFrame(data={"a": a, "b": b}, index=ds)
    Simply compute the clustering and get the returned `timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` objects:
    >>> timeseries_outputs = get_best_clusters(timeseries_dataframe, param_config)

    if "xcorr_parameters" in param_config and len(ingested_data.columns) > 1:"Computing the cross-correlation...")
        total_xcorr = calc_all_xcorr(ingested_data=ingested_data, param_config=param_config)
        total_xcorr = None

    timeseries_containers = get_best_univariate_clusters(ingested_data, param_config, total_xcorr)
    #best_transformations, timeseries_containers = get_best_univariate_clusters(ingested_data, param_config, total_xcorr)
    """ **
    if total_xcorr is not None or "additional_regressors" in param_config:
        timeseries_containers = get_best_multivariate_predictions(timeseries_containers=timeseries_containers, ingested_data=ingested_data,
    return timeseries_containers
def get_best_univariate_clusters(ingested_data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, param_config: dict, total_xcorr: dict = None) ‑> Tuple[dict, list]

Compute, for all the columns in ingested_data (every time-series) the best univariate clustering possible. This is done using the clustering approach specified in param_config and testing the effect of the different clustering algorithms, similarity measurements and transformations specified in param_config. Moreover, the best feature transformation found, across the possible ones, will be returned.


ingested_data : DataFrame
Initial data of the time-series.
param_config : dict

TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary. In particular, the model_parameters sub-dictionary will be used. In model_parameters the following options has to be specified:

  • clustering_approach: clustering approach which will be use (options: "observation_based", "feature_based" or "model_based").
  • pre_transformation: only one data preprocesing transformation to test, for Feature Based clustering approach, i.e.: none,log or log_modified
  • feature_transformations: comma-separated list of transformations keywords (e.g. "none,DWT,DFT,SVD").
  • distance_metric: distance/similarity measure which will be use (e.g. "ED,DTW,arma").
  • models: comma-separated list of the models to use (e.g. "agglomerative, k_means").
  • main_accuracy_estimator: error metric which will be minimized as target by the procedure. E.g. "rand_index", "silhouette_index","sse".
total_xcorr : dict, optional, default None
Cross-correlation dictionary computed by calc_all_xcorr. The cross-correlation is actually not used in this function, however it is used to build the returned timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer, if given.


dict Dictionary which assigns the best transformation for every used prediction model, for every time-series. list A list of timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer objects, one for each time-series.


Create some fake data:

>>> dates = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=30)  # Last index is 2000-01-30
>>> ds = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates, freq="D")
>>> a = np.arange(30, 60)
>>> b = np.arange(60, 90)
>>> timeseries_dataframe = DataFrame(data={"a": a, "b": b}, index=ds)

And create the model configuration part of the TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary:

>>> param_config = {
...  "model_parameters": {
...      "clustering_approach": "observation_based,feature_based,model_based",
...      "models": "k_means,gaussian_mixture", 
...      "pre_transformation": "none", 
...      "distance_metric": "euclidean,dtw,softdtw",
...      "feature_transformations": "DWT", 
...      "n_clusters": [3, 4, 5, 6], 
...      "gamma": 0.01, 
...      "main_accuracy_estimator": "silhouette" 
...     },
... }

Now, get the univariate clusters:

>>> timeseries_outputs = get_best_univariate_clusters(timeseries_dataframe, param_config)

It is reasonable with this simple data that no transformation is the best transformation.** We have the timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer list as well:

>>> timeseries_outputs
[<timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer at 0x7f62f45d1fa0>,
 <timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer at 0x7f62d4596sf0>,
 <timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer at 0x7f62d4e97cd0>]

These are the timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer objects, one for each clustering approach Each one has various fields, in this case the most interesting one is models:

>>> timeseries_outputs[0].models
{'k_means': <timexseries.data_prediction.models.predictor.ModelResult at 0x7f62f45d1d90>}

This is the timexseries.data_prediction.models.predictor.ModelResult object for k_means that we have just computed.

Expand source code
def get_best_univariate_clusters(ingested_data: DataFrame, param_config: dict, total_xcorr: dict = None) -> \
        Tuple[dict, list]:
    Compute, for all the columns in `ingested_data` (every time-series) the best univariate clustering possible.
    This is done using the clustering approach specified in `param_config` and testing the effect of the different 
    clustering algorithms, similarity measurements and transformations specified in `param_config`. 
    Moreover, the best feature transformation found, across the possible ones, will be returned.

    ingested_data : DataFrame
        Initial data of the time-series.
    param_config : dict
        TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary. In particular, the `model_parameters` sub-dictionary will be used. In
        `model_parameters` the following options has to be specified:

        - `clustering_approach`: clustering approach which will be use (options: "observation_based", "feature_based" or "model_based").
        - `pre_transformation`: only one data preprocesing transformation to test, for Feature Based clustering approach, i.e.: none,log or log_modified
        - `feature_transformations`: comma-separated list of transformations keywords (e.g. "none,DWT,DFT,SVD").
        - `distance_metric`: distance/similarity measure which will be use (e.g. "ED,DTW,arma").
        - `models`: comma-separated list of the models to use (e.g. "agglomerative, k_means").
        - `main_accuracy_estimator`: error metric which will be minimized as target by the procedure. E.g. "rand_index", "silhouette_index","sse".
    total_xcorr : dict, optional, default None
        Cross-correlation dictionary computed by `calc_all_xcorr`. The cross-correlation is actually not used in this
        function, however it is used to build the returned `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer`, if given.

    dict **
        Dictionary which assigns the best transformation for every used prediction model, for every time-series.
    list **
        A list of `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` objects, one for each time-series.

    Create some fake data:
    >>> dates = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=30)  # Last index is 2000-01-30
    >>> ds = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates, freq="D")
    >>> a = np.arange(30, 60)
    >>> b = np.arange(60, 90)
    >>> timeseries_dataframe = DataFrame(data={"a": a, "b": b}, index=ds)

    And create the model configuration part of the TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary:
    >>> param_config = {
    ...  "model_parameters": {
    ...      "clustering_approach": "observation_based,feature_based,model_based",
    ...      "models": "k_means,gaussian_mixture", 
    ...      "pre_transformation": "none", 
    ...      "distance_metric": "euclidean,dtw,softdtw",
    ...      "feature_transformations": "DWT", 
    ...      "n_clusters": [3, 4, 5, 6], 
    ...      "gamma": 0.01, 
    ...      "main_accuracy_estimator": "silhouette" 
    ...     },
    ... }

    Now, get the univariate clusters:
    >>> timeseries_outputs = get_best_univariate_clusters(timeseries_dataframe, param_config)

    It is reasonable with this simple data that no transformation is the best transformation.**
    We have the `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` list as well:
    >>> timeseries_outputs
    [<timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer at 0x7f62f45d1fa0>,
     <timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer at 0x7f62d4596sf0>,
     <timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer at 0x7f62d4e97cd0>]

    These are the `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` objects, one for each clustering approach
    Each one has various fields, in this case the most interesting one is `models`:
    >>> timeseries_outputs[0].models
    {'k_means': <timexseries.data_prediction.models.predictor.ModelResult at 0x7f62f45d1d90>}

    This is the `timexseries.data_prediction.models.predictor.ModelResult` object for k_means that we have just computed.

    case_name = [param_config["activity_title"]]
    approaches_to_test = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["clustering_approach"].split(",")]
    num_clusters_to_test = param_config["model_parameters"]["n_clusters"]
    dist_measures_to_test = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["distance_metric"].split(",")]
    main_accuracy_estimator = param_config["model_parameters"]["main_accuracy_estimator"]
    # Apply the preprocesing transformation: none,log,logmodified or none.
        data_procesing_transformation = param_config["model_parameters"]["pre_transformation"]
    except KeyError:
        data_procesing_transformation = "none"
    pre_transf = transformation_factory(data_procesing_transformation)
    ingested_data_pre_transform = pre_transf.apply(ingested_data.copy())

    timeseries_containers = []

    # Get the set of CPUs on which the calling process is eligible to run.
        max_threads = param_config['max_threads']
    except KeyError:
            max_threads = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
            max_threads = 1

    columns = ingested_data_pre_transform.columns

    for col in columns:
        timeseries_data = ingested_data_pre_transform[[col]]
        xcorr = total_xcorr[col] if total_xcorr is not None else None

    for clustering_approach in approaches_to_test:
        best_model = {}
        model_results = {}
        model_counter = 0
        models = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["models"].split(",")]
        if clustering_approach =='observation_based':
            transformations_to_test = ['none']
            try: models.remove('gaussian_mixture')
            except: pass
        elif clustering_approach == 'feature_based':
            transformations_to_test = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["feature_transformations"].split(",")]
            try: models.remove('gaussian_mixture')
            except: pass
        elif clustering_approach =='model_based':
            transformations_to_test = ['none']
            dist_measures_to_test = ['Log-likelihood']
            try: models.remove('k_means')
            except: pass
  "Wrong name approach: {clustering_approach}, introduce the approach's name correctly and without spaces, i.e.: 'observation_based,feature_based,model_based'")
        for model in models:
            this_model_performances = []
            model_results[model] = {}
  "Using approach: {clustering_approach} and using model {model}...")
            for metric in dist_measures_to_test:
                this_metric_performances = []
                single_results = []
                for transf in transformations_to_test:
                    for n_clus in num_clusters_to_test:
              "Computing univariate clustering using approach: {clustering_approach}, number of clusters: {n_clus}, distance metric: {metric} and transformation: {transf}...")
                        tr = transformation_factory(transf)
                        ingested_data_transform = tr.apply(ingested_data_pre_transform)
                        _result = model_factory(ingested_data_transform, clustering_approach, model, distance_metric=metric, param_config=param_config, transformation=transf, n_clusters=n_clus)
                        model_single_results = _result.results[0] #SingleResult
                        characteristics = _result.characteristics
                        best_clustering = _result.best_clustering
                        performances = getattr(model_single_results.performances, main_accuracy_estimator)
                        this_metric_performances.append((_result, performances, n_clus, transf))
                        this_model_performances.append((_result, performances, n_clus, metric, transf, best_clustering))
                if main_accuracy_estimator=="silhouette":
                    this_metric_performances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1],reverse=True)
                    this_metric_performances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
                best_result = this_metric_performances[0][0] #object ModelResult
                best_n_clusters = this_metric_performances[0][2]
                best_n_trans = this_metric_performances[0][3]
      "For the metric: {metric} the best clustering is obtained using {best_n_clusters} number of clusters and transformation {best_n_trans}.")
                best_result.results = single_results
                model_results[model][metric] = best_result #object ModelResult

            if main_accuracy_estimator=="silhouette":
                this_model_performances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1],reverse=True)
                this_model_performances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
            best_n_clusters = this_model_performances[0][2]
            best_metric = this_model_performances[0][3]
            best_n_trans = this_model_performances[0][4]
            best_cluster_vector = this_model_performances[0][5]
            column_names = ingested_data.columns.values
            clusters_indexes = numpy.unique(best_cluster_vector)
            data = []
            column_values = []
            for yi in clusters_indexes:
                data.append(column_names[best_cluster_vector == yi])
                column_values.append('Cluster '+str(yi))
            clusters_label = pandas.DataFrame(data = data,index = column_values) 
            cluster_table_df = clusters_label.transpose()
  "For the model: {model} the best clustering is obtained using metric {best_metric}, with {best_n_clusters} number of clusters, and transformation {best_n_trans}.")
            if model_counter == 0:
                best_model["clustering_approach"] = clustering_approach
                best_model["model"] = model
                best_model["distance_metric"] = best_metric
                best_model["n_clusters"] = best_n_clusters
                best_model["feature_transformation"] = best_n_trans
                best_model["pre_transformation"] = data_procesing_transformation
                best_model["accuracy_estimator"] = main_accuracy_estimator
                best_model["performance"] = this_model_performances[0][1]
                best_model["clusters_table"] = cluster_table_df
                model_counter = model_counter+1
            elif this_model_performances[0][1] > best_model["performance"]:
                best_model["model"] = model
                best_model["distance_metric"] = best_metric
                best_model["n_clusters"] = best_n_clusters
                best_model["feature_transformation"] = best_n_trans
                best_model["pre_transformation"] = data_procesing_transformation
                best_model["performance"] = this_model_performances[0][1]
                best_model["clusters_table"] = cluster_table_df
               "Process of {clustering_approach} clustering finished")
            TimeSeriesContainer(ingested_data, str(characteristics['clustering_approach']), model_results, best_model, xcorr))
    return timeseries_containers
def model_factory(ingested_data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, clustering_approach: str, model_class: str, distance_metric: str, param_config: dict, transformation: str = None, n_clusters: int = 3)

Given the clustering_approach and name of the model, return the corresponding ClustersModel.


clustering_approach : str
Clustering approach, e.g. "observation_based"
model_class : str
Model type, e.g. "k_means"
param_config : dict
TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary, to pass to the just created model.
distance_metric : str, e.g. **
Distance/similarity measure type, e.g. "euclidean, dtw, softdtw" **
transformation : str, optional, default None
Optional transformation parameter to pass to the just created model.
n_clusters : int, optional, default 3
Optional number of clusters parameter to pass to the just created model.


Model Result of the class specified in model_class, it contains the results of the best clustering with the index of the cluster that each time series belongs to. Contains also the model characteristics and the centers of each cluster.


>>> param_config = {
...  "model_parameters": {
...      "clustering_approach": "observation_based",
...      "models": "k_means", 
...      "pre_transformation": "none", 
...      "distance_metric": "euclidean,dtw,softdtw",
...      "feature_transformations": "DWT", 
...      "n_clusters": [3, 4, 5, 6], 
...      "gamma": 0.01, 
...      "main_accuracy_estimator": "silhouette" 
...     },
>>> model = model_factory(timeseriescontainer[0].timeseries_data, clustering_approach='observation_based', model_class='k_means', distance_metric='dtw', param_config=param_config, transformation=None, n_clusters=3)
Expand source code
def model_factory(ingested_data: DataFrame, clustering_approach: str, model_class: str, distance_metric: str, param_config: dict, transformation: str = None, n_clusters: int = 3): #-> ClustersModel:
    Given the clustering_approach and name of the model, return the corresponding ClustersModel.

    clustering_approach : str
        Clustering approach, e.g. "observation_based"
    model_class : str
        Model type, e.g. "k_means"
    param_config : dict
        TIMEX-CLUSTERING configuration dictionary, to pass to the just created model.
    distance_metric : str, e.g. **
        Distance/similarity measure type, e.g. "euclidean, dtw, softdtw" **
    transformation : str, optional, default None
        Optional `transformation` parameter to pass to the just created model.
    n_clusters : int, optional, default 3
        Optional `number of clusters` parameter to pass to the just created model.

        Model Result of the class specified in `model_class`, it contains the 
        results of the best clustering with the index of the cluster that each 
        time series belongs to. Contains also the model characteristics and the 
        centers of each cluster.

    >>> param_config = {
    ...  "model_parameters": {
    ...      "clustering_approach": "observation_based",
    ...      "models": "k_means", 
    ...      "pre_transformation": "none", 
    ...      "distance_metric": "euclidean,dtw,softdtw",
    ...      "feature_transformations": "DWT", 
    ...      "n_clusters": [3, 4, 5, 6], 
    ...      "gamma": 0.01, 
    ...      "main_accuracy_estimator": "silhouette" 
    ...     },

    >>> model = model_factory(timeseriescontainer[0].timeseries_data, clustering_approach='observation_based', model_class='k_means', distance_metric='dtw', param_config=param_config, transformation=None, n_clusters=3)

    if clustering_approach == "observation_based":
        if model_class == "k_means":            
            return KMeansModel(ingested_data=ingested_data, clustering_approach="Observation based", distance_metric=distance_metric, 
                               param_config=param_config, transformation=transformation, n_clusters=n_clusters)
        if model_class == "hierarchical":  
            print('Model in construction...')
    if clustering_approach == "feature_based":
        if model_class == "k_means":
            return KMeansModel(ingested_data=ingested_data, clustering_approach="Feature based", distance_metric=distance_metric, 
                               param_config=param_config, transformation=transformation, n_clusters=n_clusters)
    if clustering_approach == "model_based":
        if model_class == "gaussian_mixture": 
            return GaussianMixtureModel(ingested_data=ingested_data, clustering_approach="Model based", distance_metric=distance_metric, 
                               param_config=param_config, transformation=transformation, n_clusters=n_clusters)