Module timexseries_clustering.data_visualization.functions
Expand source code
import logging
import pandas
from pandas import Grouper, DataFrame
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from typing import List
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import networkx as nx
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from colorhash import ColorHash
from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose
from timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container import TimeSeriesContainer
from timexseries_clustering.data_clustering.models.predictor import SingleResult, ModelResult
from timexseries_clustering.data_clustering.transformation import transformation_factory
from timexseries_clustering.timeseries_container import TimeSeriesContainer
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Default method to get a translated text.
_ = lambda x: x
def create_timeseries_dash_children(timeseries_container: TimeSeriesContainer, param_config: dict):
Creates the Dash children for a specific time-series. They include a line plot, histogram, box plot and
autocorrelation plot. For each model on the time-series the clustering plot and performance plot are also added.
Cross-correlation plots and graphs are shown, if the the `timeseries_container` have it.
timeseries_container: TimeSeriesContainer
Time-series for which the various plots and graphs will be returned.
param_config : dict
TIMEX CLUSTERING configuration parameters dictionary, used for `visualization_parameters` which contains settings to
customize some plots and graphs.
List of Dash children.
Given a `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` object, obtained for example through
`timexseries.data_prediction.pipeline.create_timeseries_containers`, create all the Dash object which could be shown in a
Dash app:
>>> param_config = {
... "input_parameters": {"source_data_url": "",
... "index_column_name": "date"
... },
... "model_parameters": {
... "clustering_approach": "observation_based,feature_based,model_based",
... "models": "k_means,gaussian_mixture",
... "pre_transformation": "none",
... "distance_metric": "euclidean,dtw,softdtw",
... "feature_transformations": "DWT",
... "n_clusters": [3, 4, 5, 6],
... "gamma": 0.01,
... "main_accuracy_estimator": "silhouette"
... },
... "visualization_parameters": {}
>>> plots = create_timeseries_dash_children(timeseries_container, param_config)
children = []
visualization_parameters = param_config["visualization_parameters"]
timeseries_data = timeseries_container.timeseries_data
clustering_approach = timeseries_container.approach
#clustering_models = timeseries_container.models['k_means']
# Data visualization with plots
html.H2(children = clustering_approach + (' approach analysis'), id=clustering_approach),
html.H3("Data visualization"),
#box_plot(timeseries_data, visualization_parameters),
# Plot the clustering results, if requested.
if timeseries_container.models is not None:
param_configuration = param_config["model_parameters"]
pre_transformation = param_configuration["pre_transformation"]
main_accuracy_estimator = param_configuration["main_accuracy_estimator"]
models = timeseries_container.models.copy()
best_model_dict = timeseries_container.best_model
html.H3("Clustering results"),
all_performances = []
best_performances = []
for model_name in models:
model = models[model_name]
model_characteristic = {}
for metric_key in model:
metric = model[metric_key] #ModelResult object
model_performances = metric.results #[SingleResult]
model_characteristic = metric.characteristics.copy()
all_performances.append(model_performances) #[[SingleResult]]
all_performances_order = all_performances.copy()
for list_singleR in all_performances_order:
if main_accuracy_estimator=="silhouette":
list_singleR.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x.performances, main_accuracy_estimator), reverse=True)
list_singleR.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x.performances, main_accuracy_estimator))
best_performances = [x[0] for x in all_performances_order] #[SingleResult]
if main_accuracy_estimator=="silhouette":
best_performances.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x.performances, main_accuracy_estimator), reverse=True)
best_performances.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x.performances, main_accuracy_estimator))
best_model = best_performances[0].characteristics['model']
best_metric = best_performances[0].characteristics['distance_metric']
model_characteristic['n_clusters'] = param_configuration['n_clusters'] #List of all the distance metrics
if best_model=='K Means':
model_characteristic['distance_metric'] = param_configuration['distance_metric'] #'Log-Likelihood'
elif best_model=='Gaussian Mixture Model':
model_characteristic['distance_metric'] = best_performances[0].characteristics['distance_metric'] #'Log-Likelihood'
if best_metric=='Euclidean': best_metric='euclidean'
elif best_metric=='DTW': best_metric='dtw'
elif best_metric=='SoftDTW': best_metric='softdtw'
if pre_transformation == 'none': #Plot the cluster plots only with the original data and cluster centers
characteristics_list(model_characteristic, best_performances[0]),
cluster_plot(timeseries_container, model),
performance_plot(param_config, all_performances),
else: #Plot the cluster plots only with the original and the transformed data and cluster centers
dcc_original_data = cluster_plot(timeseries_container, model)
pre_transf = transformation_factory(pre_transformation)
timeseries_container_transf = TimeSeriesContainer(timeseries_container.timeseries_data.copy(),timeseries_container.approach,
timeseries_container.models.copy(),timeseries_container.best_model.copy(), timeseries_container.xcorr)
timeseries_container_transf.timeseries_data = pre_transf.apply(timeseries_container_transf.timeseries_data)
model_transf = model.copy()
for key in model:
modelResult_original = model[key]
modelResult_transf = ModelResult(modelResult_original.best_clustering.copy(), modelResult_original.results.copy(), modelResult_original.characteristics.copy(),
modelResult_transf.cluster_centers = pre_transf.apply(modelResult_transf.cluster_centers.copy())
model_transf[key] = modelResult_transf
characteristics_list(model_characteristic, best_performances[0]),
cluster_plot(timeseries_container_transf, model_transf, True),
performance_plot(param_config, all_performances),
# Plot cross-correlation plot and graphs, if requested.
if timeseries_container.xcorr is not None:
graph_corr_threshold = visualization_parameters[
"xcorr_graph_threshold"] if "xcorr_graph_threshold" in visualization_parameters else None
html.Div("Negative lags (left part) show the correlation between this scenario and the future of the "
html.Div("Meanwhile, positive lags (right part) shows the correlation between this scenario "
"and the past of the others."),
html.Div("The peaks found using each cross-correlation modality are shown in the graphs:"),
cross_correlation_graph(clustering_approach, timeseries_container.xcorr, graph_corr_threshold)
return children
def create_dash_children(timeseries_containers: List[TimeSeriesContainer], param_config: dict):
Create Dash children, in order, for a list of `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer`.
timeseries_containers : [TimeSeriesContainer]
Time-series for which all the plots and graphs will be created.
param_config : dict
TIMEX configuration parameters dictionary.
List of Dash children.
children = []
for s in timeseries_containers:
children.extend(create_timeseries_dash_children(s, param_config))
return children
def line_plot(df: DataFrame) -> dcc.Graph:
Create and return the line plot for a dataframe.
df : DataFrame
Dataframe to plot.
g : dcc.Graph
Dash object containing the line plot.
Get the `figure` attribute if you want to display this in a Jupyter notebook.
>>> line_plot = line_plot(timeseries_container.timeseries_data).figure
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=df.iloc[:, 0], mode='lines+markers'))
fig.update_layout(title='Line plot',, yaxis_title=df.columns[0])
g = dcc.Graph(
return g
def cross_correlation_plot(xcorr: dict):
Create and return the cross-correlation plot for all the columns in the dataframe.
The time-series column is used as target; the correlation is shown in a subplot for every modality used to compute
the x-correlation.
xcorr : dict
Cross-correlation values.
g : dcc.Graph
Get the `figure` attribute if you want to display this in a Jupyter notebook.
>>> xcorr_plot = cross_correlation_plot(timeseries_container.xcorr).figure
subplots = len(xcorr)
combs = [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
rows = 1 if subplots < 3 else 2
cols = 1 if subplots < 2 else 2
fig = make_subplots(
rows=rows, cols=cols,
i = 0
for mode in xcorr:
for col in xcorr[mode].columns:
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=xcorr[mode].index, y=xcorr[mode][col],
name=col, legendgroup=col, line=dict(color=ColorHash(col).hex),
showlegend=True if i == 0 else False),
row=combs[i][0], col=combs[i][1])
i += 1
# Formula from
# significance_level = DataFrame(columns=['Value'], dtype=np.float64)
# for i in range(-lags, lags):
# significance_level.loc[i] = 2 / np.sqrt(lags - abs(i))
# fig.add_trace(
# go.Scatter(x=significance_level.index, y=significance_level['Value'], line=dict(color='gray', width=1), name='z95'))
# fig.add_trace(
# go.Scatter(x=significance_level.index, y=-significance_level['Value'], line=dict(color='gray', width=1), name='-z95'))
fig.update_layout(title=_("Cross-correlation using different algorithms"))
fig.update_yaxes(tick0=-1.0, dtick=0.25, range=[-1.2, 1.2], title_text=_("Correlation"))
g = dcc.Graph(
return g
def cross_correlation_graph(name: str, xcorr: dict, threshold: float = 0) -> dcc.Graph:
Create and return the cross-correlation graphs for all the columns in the dataframe.
A graph is created for each mode used to compute the x-correlation.
The nodes are all the time-series which can be found in `xcorr`; an arc is drawn from `target` node to another node
if the cross-correlation with that time-series, at any lag, is above the `threshold`. The arc contains also the
information on the lag.
name : str
Name of the target.
xcorr : dict
Cross-correlation dataframe.
threshold : int
Minimum value of correlation for which a edge should be drawn. Default 0.
g : dcc.Graph
This is thought to be shown in a Dash app, so it could be difficult to show in Jupyter.
>>> xcorr_graph = cross_correlation_graph("a", timeseries_container.xcorr, 0.7)
figures = []
i = 0
for mode in xcorr:
G = nx.DiGraph()
for col in xcorr[mode].columns:
index_of_max = xcorr[mode][col].abs().idxmax()
corr = xcorr[mode].loc[index_of_max, col]
if abs(corr) > threshold:
G.add_edge(name, col, corr=corr, lag=index_of_max)
pos = nx.layout.spring_layout(G)
# Create Edges
edge_trace = go.Scatter(
for edge in G.edges():
start = edge[0]
end = edge[1]
x0, y0 = pos.get(start)
x1, y1 = pos.get(end)
edge_trace['x'] += tuple([x0, x1, None])
edge_trace['y'] += tuple([y0, y1, None])
# Create Nodes
node_trace = go.Scatter(
text=[node for node in G.nodes],
textposition="bottom center",
for node in G.nodes():
x, y = pos.get(node)
node_trace['x'] += tuple([x])
node_trace['y'] += tuple([y])
# Annotations to support arrows
edges_positions = [e for e in G.edges]
annotateArrows = [dict(showarrow=True, arrowsize=1.0, arrowwidth=2, arrowhead=2, standoff=2, startstandoff=2,
ax=pos[arrow[0]][0], ay=pos[arrow[0]][1], axref='x', ayref='y',
x=pos[arrow[1]][0], y=pos[arrow[1]][1], xref='x', yref='y',
text="bla") for arrow in edges_positions]
graph = go.Figure(data=[node_trace, edge_trace],
xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False),
yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False),
height=400, margin=dict(l=10, r=10, t=50, b=30)))
# Add annotations on edges
for e in G.edges:
lag = str(G.edges[e]['lag'])
corr = str(round(G.edges[e]['corr'], 3))
end = e[1]
x, y = pos.get(end)
graph.add_annotation(x=x, y=y, text=_("Lag: ") + lag + ", corr: " + corr, yshift=20, showarrow=False,
i += 1
n_graphs = len(figures)
if n_graphs == 1:
g = dcc.Graph(figure=figures[0])
elif n_graphs == 2:
g = html.Div(dbc.Row([
elif n_graphs == 3:
g = html.Div([
elif n_graphs == 4:
g = html.Div([
g = html.Div()
return g
def timeseries_plot(df: DataFrame) -> dcc.Graph:
Create and return a plot which contains the time series of a dataframe.
The plot is built using a dataframe: `ingested_data`.
`ingested_data` includes the raw data ingested by the app, while `cluster_data` contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics
and cluster centers made by a model.
df : DataFrame
Raw values ingested by the app.
g : dcc.Graph
See Also
Check `create_timeseries_dash_children` to check the use.
fig = go.Figure()
for i in df.columns[0:]:
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=df[i],
fig.update_layout(title=("Time-Series ingested"),
g = dcc.Graph(
figure=fig )
return g
def cluster_plot(time_series_container: TimeSeriesContainer, cluster_data: dict, data_transformed: bool = False) -> dcc.Graph:
Create and return a plot which contains the clustering for a dataframe.
The plot is built using a dataframe: `ingested_data` and dictionary: `cluster_data`.
`ingested_data` includes the raw data ingested by the app, while `cluster_data` contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics
and cluster centers made by a model.
Note that `cluster_data` its is a dictionary with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values.
The time-series are plotted in black and the cluster centers are plotted in red.
time_series_container: TimeSeriesContainer
TimeSeriesContainer object containing all the relevant clustering's information useful to plot the time-series
coming from the ingested dataset.
cluster_data : dict
Dictionary of the clustering Model to plot, with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values.
data_transformed : bool, optional, default False
Boolean to specified if the data introduced in the parameters time_series_container and cluster_data come from a transformation
g : dcc.Graph
See Also
Check `create_timeseries_dash_children` to check the use.
df = time_series_container.timeseries_data
best_model = time_series_container.best_model
pre_transformation = best_model['pre_transformation']
dframe = df.copy()
df_array = dframe.to_numpy()
df_array = df_array.transpose()
column_names = df.columns.values
num_dist_metrics = len(cluster_data)
subplotmult = 0
list_best_cluster_results = []
for key, value in cluster_data.items():
boolean_clusters = all(x == list_best_cluster_results[0] for x in list_best_cluster_results)
if boolean_clusters:
num_clusters = list_best_cluster_results[0]
num_clusters = best_model['n_clusters']
distance_metric = best_model['distance_metric']
cluster_data = {k: v for k, v in cluster_data.items() if k.startswith(distance_metric)}
titles = []
for key, value in cluster_data.items():
for i in range(1,num_clusters+1):
titles.append('Metric:'+str(key)+', Cluster'+str(i))
fig = make_subplots(rows = num_dist_metrics, cols = num_clusters, subplot_titles=(titles))
subplotmult = 1
for key, value in cluster_data.items() :
for yi in range(num_clusters):
i = 0
cluster_names = column_names[value.best_clustering == yi]
for xx in df_array[value.best_clustering == yi]:
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=xx,
line=dict(color='grey',width= 0.6),
row=subplotmult, col=yi+1)
i = i+1
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=value.cluster_centers.index, y=value.cluster_centers.iloc[:, yi],
name= (str(key)+', cluster center '+ str(yi+1))),
row=subplotmult, col=yi+1)
subplotmult = subplotmult + 1
height_plot = 750
if time_series_container.approach=="Model based": height_plot = 400
if data_transformed:
fig.update_layout(title=("Best clustering for the dataset transformed with: "+pre_transformation), height=height_plot)
fig.update_layout(title="Best clustering for the dataset", height=height_plot)
g = dcc.Graph(
return g
def cluster_plot_matplotlib(time_series_container: TimeSeriesContainer, cluster_data: dict):
Create and return a plot using cluster_plot_matplotlib which contains the clustering for a dataframe.
The plot is built using a dataframe: `ingested_data` and dictionary: `cluster_data`.
`ingested_data` includes the raw data ingested by the app, while `cluster_data` contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics
and cluster centers made by a model.
Note that `cluster_data` its is a dictionary with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values.
The time-series are plotted in black and the cluster centers are plotted in red.
time_series_container: TimeSeriesContainer
TimeSeriesContainer object containing all the relevant clustering's information useful to plot the time-series
coming from the ingested dataset.
cluster_data : dict
Dictionary of the clustering Model to plot, with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values.
df = time_series_container.timeseries_data
best_model = time_series_container.best_model
height_plot = 8
if time_series_container.approach=="Model based": height_plot = 4
plt.figure(figsize=(13, height_plot))
X_train = df.to_numpy()
X_train = X_train.transpose()
sz = len(df)
num_dist_metrics = len(cluster_data)
subplotmult = 0
list_best_cluster_results = []
for key, value in cluster_data.items():
boolean_clusters = all(x == list_best_cluster_results[0] for x in list_best_cluster_results)
if boolean_clusters:
num_clusters = list_best_cluster_results[0]
num_clusters = best_model['n_clusters']
distance_metric = best_model['distance_metric']
cluster_data = {k: v for k, v in cluster_data.items() if k.startswith(distance_metric)}
for key, value in cluster_data.items() :
for yi in range(num_clusters):
plt.subplot(num_dist_metrics, num_clusters, yi + 1 + num_clusters*subplotmult)
for xx in X_train[value.best_clustering == yi]:
plt.plot(xx.ravel(), "k-", alpha=.2)
plt.plot(value.cluster_centers.iloc[:,yi].values, "r-")
plt.xlim(0, sz)
plt.text(0.55, 0.85,'Cluster %d' % (yi + 1),
if yi == 1:
plt.title('Model: '+str(value.characteristics['model'])+', Distance metric: '+str(value.characteristics['distance_metric']))
subplotmult = subplotmult + 1
def performance_plot(param_config : dict, all_performances: List) -> dcc.Graph:
Create and return the performance plot of the model; for every error kind (i.e. Silhouette, Davies Bouldin, etc) plot the values it
assumes using different clustering model parameters.
param_config : dict
TIMEX configuration parameters dictionary.
all_performances : List
List of [SingleResults] objects. Every object is related to a different model parameter configuration,
hence it shows the performance using that configuration.
g : dcc.Graph
See Also
Check `create_timeseries_dash_children` to check the use.
import numpy
distance_metrics = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["distance_metric"].split(",")]
n_cluster_test_values = param_config['model_parameters']['n_clusters']
transformations = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["feature_transformations"].split(",")]
fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.02)
n_cls = len(n_cluster_test_values)
#Plot of Observation based results
if all_performances[0][0].characteristics['clustering_approach']=='Observation based':
nparray_performances = numpy.zeros((n_cls,9))
for metric in all_performances:
for n_cluster in metric:
if n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='Euclidean':
nc_insert = nc
if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
nparray_performances[nc_insert][0] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette
nparray_performances[nc_insert][1] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin
nparray_performances[nc_insert][2] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz
elif n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='DTW':
nc_insert = nc
if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
nparray_performances[nc_insert][3] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette
nparray_performances[nc_insert][4] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin
nparray_performances[nc_insert][5] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz
elif n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='SoftDTW':
nc_insert = nc
if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
nparray_performances[nc_insert][6] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette
nparray_performances[nc_insert][7] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin
nparray_performances[nc_insert][8] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz
df_performances = pandas.DataFrame(nparray_performances, columns=['silhouette_ED', 'davies_bouldin_ED', 'calinski_harabasz_ED',
'silhouette_DTW', 'davies_bouldin_DTW', 'calinski_harabasz_DTW',
'silhouette_softDTW', 'davies_bouldin_softDTW', 'calinski_harabasz_softDTW'])
# Euclidian metric plots
if 'euclidean' in distance_metrics:
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['silhouette_ED'],
name='Silhouette ED'), row=1, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['davies_bouldin_ED'],
name='Davies Bouldin ED'), row=2, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['calinski_harabasz_ED'],
name='Calinski Harabasz ED'), row=3, col=1)
# DTW metric plots
if 'dtw' in distance_metrics:
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['silhouette_DTW'],
name='Silhouette DTW'), row=1, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['davies_bouldin_DTW'],
name='Davies Bouldin DTW'), row=2, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['calinski_harabasz_DTW'],
name='Calinski Harabasz DTW'), row=3, col=1)
# SoftDTW metric plots
if 'softdtw' in distance_metrics:
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['silhouette_softDTW'],
name='Silhouette Soft DTW'), row=1, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['davies_bouldin_softDTW'],
name='Davies Bouldin Soft DTW'), row=2, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['calinski_harabasz_softDTW'],
name='Calinski Harabasz Soft DTW'), row=3, col=1)
#Plot of Feature based results
elif all_performances[0][0].characteristics['clustering_approach']=='Feature based':
num_trans = len(transformations)
nparray_performances = numpy.zeros((n_cls*num_trans,9))
for metric in all_performances:
for n_cluster in metric:
if n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='Euclidean' and n_cluster.characteristics['feature_transformation']=='DWT':
nc_insert = nc
if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
nparray_performances[nc_insert][0] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette
nparray_performances[nc_insert][1] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin
nparray_performances[nc_insert][2] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz
elif n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='DTW' and n_cluster.characteristics['feature_transformation']=='DWT':
nc_insert = nc
if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
nparray_performances[nc_insert][3] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette
nparray_performances[nc_insert][4] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin
nparray_performances[nc_insert][5] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz
elif n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='SoftDTW' and n_cluster.characteristics['feature_transformation']=='DWT':
nc_insert = nc
if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
nparray_performances[nc_insert][6] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette
nparray_performances[nc_insert][7] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin
nparray_performances[nc_insert][8] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz
df_performances = pandas.DataFrame(nparray_performances, columns=['silhouette_ED_DWT', 'davies_bouldin_ED_DWT', 'calinski_harabasz_ED_DWT',
'silhouette_DTW_DWT', 'davies_bouldin_DTW_DWT', 'calinski_harabasz_DTW_DWT',
'silhouette_softDTW_DWT', 'davies_bouldin_softDTW_DWT', 'calinski_harabasz_softDTW_DWT'])
# Euclidian metric plots with DWT transformation
if 'euclidean' in distance_metrics:
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,0],
name='Silhouette ED-DWT'), row=1, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,1],
name='Davies Bouldin ED-DWT'), row=2, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,2],
name='Calinski Harabasz ED-DWT'), row=3, col=1)
# DTW metric plots with DWT transformation
if 'dtw' in distance_metrics:
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,3],
name='Silhouette DTW-DWT'), row=1, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,4],
name='Davies Bouldin DTW-DWT'), row=2, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,5],
name='Calinski Harabasz DTW-DWT'), row=3, col=1)
# SoftDTW metric plots with DWT transformation
if 'softdtw' in distance_metrics:
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,6],
name='Silhouette Soft DTW-DWT'), row=1, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,7],
name='Davies Bouldin Soft DTW-DWT'), row=2, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,8],
name='Calinski Harabasz Soft DTW-DWT'), row=3, col=1)
# Euclidian metric plots with DFT transformation
if 'euclidean' in distance_metrics:
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,0],
name='Silhouette ED-DFT'), row=1, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,1],
name='Davies Bouldin ED-DFT'), row=2, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,2],
name='Calinski Harabasz ED-DFT'), row=3, col=1)
# DTW metric plots with DFT transformation
if 'dtw' in distance_metrics:
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,3],
name='Silhouette DTW-DFT'), row=1, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,4],
name='Davies Bouldin DTW-DFT'), row=2, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,5],
name='Calinski Harabasz DTW-DFT'), row=3, col=1)
# SoftDTW metric plots with DFT transformation
if 'softdtw' in distance_metrics:
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,6],
name='Silhouette Soft DTW-DFT'), row=1, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,7],
name='Davies Bouldin Soft DTW-DFT'), row=2, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,8],
name='Calinski Harabasz Soft DTW-DFT'), row=3, col=1)
#Plot of Model based results
elif all_performances[0][0].characteristics['clustering_approach']=='Model based':
nparray_performances = numpy.zeros((n_cls,3))
for metric in all_performances:
for n_cluster in metric:
if n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='Log-likelihood':
nc_insert = nc
if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]:
nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc])
nparray_performances[nc_insert][0] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette
nparray_performances[nc_insert][1] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin
nparray_performances[nc_insert][2] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz
df_performances = pandas.DataFrame(nparray_performances, columns=['silhouette_score', 'davies_bouldin_score', 'calinski_harabasz_score'])
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['silhouette_score'],
name='Silhouette score'), row=1, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['davies_bouldin_score'],
name='Davies Bouldin score'), row=2, col=1)
fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['calinski_harabasz_score'],
name='Calinski Harabasz score'), row=3, col=1)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Silhouette", row=1, col=1)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Davies Bouldin", row=2, col=1)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Calinski Harabasz", row=3, col=1)
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Number of clusters", row=3, col=1)
fig.update_layout(title='Performances with different number of clusters', height=750)
g = dcc.Graph(
return g
def characteristics_list(model_characteristics: dict, best_performances: SingleResult)-> html.Div: #, testing_performances: List[ValidationPerformance]) -> html.Div:
Create and return an HTML Div which contains a list of natural language characteristic
relative to a clustering model.
model_characteristics : dict
key-value for each characteristic to write in natural language.
best_performances : SingleResult
Useful to write also information about the best clustering performance.
def get_text_char(key: str, value: any) -> str:
value = str(value)
switcher = {
"clustering_approach": "Clustering approach: " + value,
"model": "Model type: " + value,
"distance_metric": 'Distance metrics used: ' + value,
"n_clusters":'Number of clusters tested: ' + value,
"pre_transformation":'Preprocessing transformation: ' + value,
"feature_transformation": ('The model has used a ') + value + (
' feature transformation on the input data.') if value != "none"
else ('The model has not used any feature transformation on input data.')
return switcher.get(key, "Invalid choice!")
elems = [html.Div('Model characteristics:'),
html.Ul([html.Li(get_text_char(key, model_characteristics[key])) for key in model_characteristics]),
html.Div("This model using the best clustering parameters, reaches the next performances:"),
return html.Div(elems)
def show_errors_html(best_performances: SingleResult) -> html.Ul:
Create an HTML list with the best performance evaluation criteria result.
best_performances : SingleResult
Error metrics to show.
HTML list with all the error-metrics.
import math
def round_n(n: float):
dec_part, int_part = math.modf(n)
if abs(int_part) > 1:
return str(round(n, 3))
return format(n, '.3g')
def get_text_char(key: str, value: any) -> str:
switcher = {
"silhouette": "Silhouette score: " + value,
"davies_bouldin": "Davies Bouldin score: " + value,
"calinski_harabasz": "Calinski Harabasz score: " + value,
"distance_metric": "Best distance metric: " + value,
"n_clusters": "Best number of clusters: " + value,
"pre_transformation":'Preprocessing transformation: ' + value,
"feature_transformation": ('The model has used a ') + value + (
' feature transformation on the input data.') if value != "none"
else ('The model has not used any feature transformation on input data.')
return switcher.get(key, "Invalid choice!")
best_performances_dict = best_performances.performances.get_dict()
for key in best_performances_dict:
best_performances_dict[key] = round_n(best_performances_dict[key])
best_performances_dict['distance_metric'] = best_performances.characteristics['distance_metric']
best_performances_dict['n_clusters'] = str(best_performances.characteristics['n_clusters'])
best_performances_dict['feature_transformation'] = best_performances.characteristics['feature_transformation']
best_performances_dict['pre_transformation'] = best_performances.characteristics['pre_transformation']
return html.Ul([html.Li(get_text_char(key, best_performances_dict[key])) for key in best_performances_dict])
def validation_performance_info()-> html.Div:
Create and return an HTML Div which contains a information of the performance scores..
info = [html.Div('Silhouette Coefficient:'
'The score is bounded between -1 for incorrect clustering and +1 for highly dense clustering.'
'Scores around zero indicate overlapping clusters. The score is higher when clusters are dense and well separated, which relates to a standard concept of a cluster.'
'The Silhouette Coefficient is generally higher for convex clusters than other concepts of clusters'),
html.Div('Calinski-Harabasz Index:'
'Also known as the Variance Ratio Criterion.The score is higher when clusters are dense and well separated, which relates to a standard concept of a cluster.'
'The index is the ratio of the sum of between-clusters dispersion and of within-cluster dispersion for all clusters (where dispersion is defined as the sum of distances squared)'),
html.Div('Davies-Bouldin Index:'
'It can be used to evaluate the model, where a lower Davies-Bouldin index relates to a model with better separation between the clusters.'
'Zero is the lowest possible score. Values closer to zero indicate a better partition.'),
markdown_text = '''
**Silhouette Coefficient:**
The score is bounded between -1 for incorrect clustering and +1 for highly dense clustering.
Scores around zero indicate overlapping clusters. The score is higher when clusters are dense and well separated.
The Silhouette Coefficient is generally higher for convex clusters than other concepts of clusters.
**Calinski-Harabasz Index:**
Also known as the Variance Ratio Criterion, the score is higher when clusters are dense and well separated.
The index is the ratio of the sum of between-clusters dispersion and of within-cluster dispersion for all clusters
(where dispersion is defined as the sum of distances squared)
**Davies-Bouldin Index:**
It can be used to evaluate the model, where a lower Davies-Bouldin index relates to a model with better separation between the clusters.
Zero is the lowest possible score. Values closer to zero indicate a better partition.
return html.Div(dcc.Markdown(children=markdown_text))
def cluster_distribution_plot(cluster_indexes: DataFrame) -> dcc.Graph:
Create and return a plot which contains the cluster distribution.
The plot is built using a dataframe: `ingested_data`.
`ingested_data` includes the raw data ingested by the app, while `cluster_data` contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics
and cluster centers made by a model.
cluster_indexes : DataFrame
Clustering indexes, and index for each timeseries corresponding the cluster which each timeseries belongs.
g : dcc.Graph
fig = go.Figure()
clusters = np.unique(cluster_indexes)
count_arr = np.bincount(cluster_indexes)
counts = []
for num_cluster in clusters:
fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=clusters, y=counts))
fig.update_layout(title=("Cluster Distribution"), xaxis_title='Cluster', yaxis_title='Count')
g = dcc.Graph(
figure=fig )
return g
def cluster_distribution_table(cluster_table_df: DataFrame) -> dcc.Graph:
Create and return a table which contains the cluster distribution.
The table is built using a dataframe: `cluster_table_df`.
cluster_table_df : DataFrame
Cluster table corresponding the cluster which each timeseries belongs.
g : dcc.Graph
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Table(
g = dcc.Graph(
figure=fig )
return g
def characteristics_list(model_characteristics: dict, best_performances: SingleResult) ‑> dash_html_components.Div.Div
Create and return an HTML Div which contains a list of natural language characteristic relative to a clustering model.
- key-value for each characteristic to write in natural language.
- Useful to write also information about the best clustering performance.
Expand source code
def characteristics_list(model_characteristics: dict, best_performances: SingleResult)-> html.Div: #, testing_performances: List[ValidationPerformance]) -> html.Div: """ Create and return an HTML Div which contains a list of natural language characteristic relative to a clustering model. Parameters ---------- model_characteristics : dict key-value for each characteristic to write in natural language. best_performances : SingleResult Useful to write also information about the best clustering performance. Returns ------- html.Div() """ def get_text_char(key: str, value: any) -> str: value = str(value) switcher = { "clustering_approach": "Clustering approach: " + value, "model": "Model type: " + value, "distance_metric": 'Distance metrics used: ' + value, "n_clusters":'Number of clusters tested: ' + value, "pre_transformation":'Preprocessing transformation: ' + value, "feature_transformation": ('The model has used a ') + value + ( ' feature transformation on the input data.') if value != "none" else ('The model has not used any feature transformation on input data.') } return switcher.get(key, "Invalid choice!") elems = [html.Div('Model characteristics:'), html.Ul([html.Li(get_text_char(key, model_characteristics[key])) for key in model_characteristics]), html.Div("This model using the best clustering parameters, reaches the next performances:"), show_errors_html(best_performances) ] return html.Div(elems)
def cluster_distribution_plot(cluster_indexes: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) ‑> dash_core_components.Graph.Graph
Create and return a plot which contains the cluster distribution. The plot is built using a dataframe:
includes the raw data ingested by the app, whilecluster_data
contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics and cluster centers made by a model.Parameters
Clustering indexes, and index for each timeseries corresponding the cluster which each timeseries belongs.
Expand source code
def cluster_distribution_plot(cluster_indexes: DataFrame) -> dcc.Graph: """ Create and return a plot which contains the cluster distribution. The plot is built using a dataframe: `ingested_data`. `ingested_data` includes the raw data ingested by the app, while `cluster_data` contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics and cluster centers made by a model. Parameters ---------- cluster_indexes : DataFrame Clustering indexes, and index for each timeseries corresponding the cluster which each timeseries belongs. Returns ------- g : dcc.Graph """ fig = go.Figure() clusters = np.unique(cluster_indexes) count_arr = np.bincount(cluster_indexes) counts = [] for num_cluster in clusters: counts.append(count_arr[num_cluster]) fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=clusters, y=counts)) fig.update_layout(title=("Cluster Distribution"), xaxis_title='Cluster', yaxis_title='Count') g = dcc.Graph( figure=fig ) return g
def cluster_distribution_table(cluster_table_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) ‑> dash_core_components.Graph.Graph
Create and return a table which contains the cluster distribution. The table is built using a dataframe:
Cluster table corresponding the cluster which each timeseries belongs.
Expand source code
def cluster_distribution_table(cluster_table_df: DataFrame) -> dcc.Graph: """ Create and return a table which contains the cluster distribution. The table is built using a dataframe: `cluster_table_df`. Parameters ---------- cluster_table_df : DataFrame Cluster table corresponding the cluster which each timeseries belongs. Returns ------- g : dcc.Graph """ fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Table( header=dict(values=list(cluster_table_df.columns), fill_color='royalblue', align='left', font=dict(color='white')), cells=dict(values=cluster_table_df.transpose().values, fill_color='lavender', align='left')) ]) g = dcc.Graph( figure=fig ) return g
def cluster_plot(time_series_container: TimeSeriesContainer, cluster_data: dict, data_transformed: bool = False) ‑> dash_core_components.Graph.Graph
Create and return a plot which contains the clustering for a dataframe. The plot is built using a dataframe:
and dictionary:cluster_data
includes the raw data ingested by the app, whilecluster_data
contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics and cluster centers made by a model.Note that
its is a dictionary with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values. The time-series are plotted in black and the cluster centers are plotted in red.Parameters
- TimeSeriesContainer object containing all the relevant clustering's information useful to plot the time-series coming from the ingested dataset.
- Dictionary of the clustering Model to plot, with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values.
, optional, defaultFalse
- Boolean to specified if the data introduced in the parameters time_series_container and cluster_data come from a transformation
See Also
create_timeseries_dash_childrento check the use.
Expand source code
def cluster_plot(time_series_container: TimeSeriesContainer, cluster_data: dict, data_transformed: bool = False) -> dcc.Graph: """ Create and return a plot which contains the clustering for a dataframe. The plot is built using a dataframe: `ingested_data` and dictionary: `cluster_data`. `ingested_data` includes the raw data ingested by the app, while `cluster_data` contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics and cluster centers made by a model. Note that `cluster_data` its is a dictionary with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values. The time-series are plotted in black and the cluster centers are plotted in red. Parameters ---------- time_series_container: TimeSeriesContainer TimeSeriesContainer object containing all the relevant clustering's information useful to plot the time-series coming from the ingested dataset. cluster_data : dict Dictionary of the clustering Model to plot, with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values. data_transformed : bool, optional, default False Boolean to specified if the data introduced in the parameters time_series_container and cluster_data come from a transformation Returns ------- g : dcc.Graph See Also -------- Check `create_timeseries_dash_children` to check the use. """ df = time_series_container.timeseries_data best_model = time_series_container.best_model pre_transformation = best_model['pre_transformation'] dframe = df.copy() df_array = dframe.to_numpy() df_array = df_array.transpose() column_names = df.columns.values num_dist_metrics = len(cluster_data) subplotmult = 0 list_best_cluster_results = [] for key, value in cluster_data.items(): list_best_cluster_results.append(value.characteristics['n_clusters']) boolean_clusters = all(x == list_best_cluster_results[0] for x in list_best_cluster_results) if boolean_clusters: num_clusters = list_best_cluster_results[0] else: num_clusters = best_model['n_clusters'] distance_metric = best_model['distance_metric'] cluster_data = {k: v for k, v in cluster_data.items() if k.startswith(distance_metric)} titles = [] for key, value in cluster_data.items(): for i in range(1,num_clusters+1): titles.append('Metric:'+str(key)+', Cluster'+str(i)) fig = make_subplots(rows = num_dist_metrics, cols = num_clusters, subplot_titles=(titles)) subplotmult = 1 for key, value in cluster_data.items() : for yi in range(num_clusters): i = 0 cluster_names = column_names[value.best_clustering == yi] for xx in df_array[value.best_clustering == yi]: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=xx, line=dict(color='grey',width= 0.6), mode='lines',name=cluster_names[i]), row=subplotmult, col=yi+1) i = i+1 fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=value.cluster_centers.index, y=value.cluster_centers.iloc[:, yi], line=dict(color='red'), mode='lines', name= (str(key)+', cluster center '+ str(yi+1))), row=subplotmult, col=yi+1) subplotmult = subplotmult + 1 height_plot = 750 if time_series_container.approach=="Model based": height_plot = 400 if data_transformed: fig.update_layout(title=("Best clustering for the dataset transformed with: "+pre_transformation), height=height_plot) else: fig.update_layout(title="Best clustering for the dataset", height=height_plot) fig.update_yaxes(matches='y') g = dcc.Graph( figure=fig) return g
def cluster_plot_matplotlib(time_series_container: TimeSeriesContainer, cluster_data: dict)
Create and return a plot using cluster_plot_matplotlib which contains the clustering for a dataframe. The plot is built using a dataframe:
and dictionary:cluster_data
includes the raw data ingested by the app, whilecluster_data
contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics and cluster centers made by a model.Note that
its is a dictionary with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values.The time-series are plotted in black and the cluster centers are plotted in red.
- TimeSeriesContainer object containing all the relevant clustering's information useful to plot the time-series coming from the ingested dataset.
- Dictionary of the clustering Model to plot, with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values.
Expand source code
def cluster_plot_matplotlib(time_series_container: TimeSeriesContainer, cluster_data: dict): """ Create and return a plot using cluster_plot_matplotlib which contains the clustering for a dataframe. The plot is built using a dataframe: `ingested_data` and dictionary: `cluster_data`. `ingested_data` includes the raw data ingested by the app, while `cluster_data` contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics and cluster centers made by a model. Note that `cluster_data` its is a dictionary with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values. The time-series are plotted in black and the cluster centers are plotted in red. Parameters ---------- time_series_container: TimeSeriesContainer TimeSeriesContainer object containing all the relevant clustering's information useful to plot the time-series coming from the ingested dataset. cluster_data : dict Dictionary of the clustering Model to plot, with distance metric as keys and ModelResult objects as values. """ df = time_series_container.timeseries_data best_model = time_series_container.best_model plt.figure() height_plot = 8 if time_series_container.approach=="Model based": height_plot = 4 plt.figure(figsize=(13, height_plot)) X_train = df.to_numpy() X_train = X_train.transpose() sz = len(df) num_dist_metrics = len(cluster_data) subplotmult = 0 list_best_cluster_results = [] for key, value in cluster_data.items(): list_best_cluster_results.append(value.characteristics['n_clusters']) boolean_clusters = all(x == list_best_cluster_results[0] for x in list_best_cluster_results) if boolean_clusters: num_clusters = list_best_cluster_results[0] else: num_clusters = best_model['n_clusters'] distance_metric = best_model['distance_metric'] cluster_data = {k: v for k, v in cluster_data.items() if k.startswith(distance_metric)} for key, value in cluster_data.items() : for yi in range(num_clusters): plt.subplot(num_dist_metrics, num_clusters, yi + 1 + num_clusters*subplotmult) for xx in X_train[value.best_clustering == yi]: plt.plot(xx.ravel(), "k-", alpha=.2) plt.plot(value.cluster_centers.iloc[:,yi].values, "r-") plt.xlim(0, sz) plt.text(0.55, 0.85,'Cluster %d' % (yi + 1), transform=plt.gca().transAxes) if yi == 1: plt.title('Model: '+str(value.characteristics['model'])+', Distance metric: '+str(value.characteristics['distance_metric'])) subplotmult = subplotmult + 1 plt.tight_layout()
def create_dash_children(timeseries_containers: List[TimeSeriesContainer], param_config: dict)
Create Dash children, in order, for a list of
- Time-series for which all the plots and graphs will be created.
- TIMEX configuration parameters dictionary.
- List of Dash children.
Expand source code
def create_dash_children(timeseries_containers: List[TimeSeriesContainer], param_config: dict): """ Create Dash children, in order, for a list of `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer`. Parameters ---------- timeseries_containers : [TimeSeriesContainer] Time-series for which all the plots and graphs will be created. param_config : dict TIMEX configuration parameters dictionary. Returns ------- list List of Dash children. """ children = [] for s in timeseries_containers: children.extend(create_timeseries_dash_children(s, param_config)) return children
def create_timeseries_dash_children(timeseries_container: TimeSeriesContainer, param_config: dict)
Creates the Dash children for a specific time-series. They include a line plot, histogram, box plot and autocorrelation plot. For each model on the time-series the clustering plot and performance plot are also added.
Cross-correlation plots and graphs are shown, if the the
have it.Parameters
- Time-series for which the various plots and graphs will be returned.
- TIMEX CLUSTERING configuration parameters dictionary, used for
which contains settings to customize some plots and graphs.
- List of Dash children.
Given a
object, obtained for example throughtimexseries.data_prediction.pipeline.create_timeseries_containers
, create all the Dash object which could be shown in a Dash app:>>> param_config = { ... "input_parameters": {"source_data_url": "", ... "index_column_name": "date" ... }, ... "model_parameters": { ... "clustering_approach": "observation_based,feature_based,model_based", ... "models": "k_means,gaussian_mixture", ... "pre_transformation": "none", ... "distance_metric": "euclidean,dtw,softdtw", ... "feature_transformations": "DWT", ... "n_clusters": [3, 4, 5, 6], ... "gamma": 0.01, ... "main_accuracy_estimator": "silhouette" ... }, ... "visualization_parameters": {} ...} >>> plots = create_timeseries_dash_children(timeseries_container, param_config)
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def create_timeseries_dash_children(timeseries_container: TimeSeriesContainer, param_config: dict): """ Creates the Dash children for a specific time-series. They include a line plot, histogram, box plot and autocorrelation plot. For each model on the time-series the clustering plot and performance plot are also added. Cross-correlation plots and graphs are shown, if the the `timeseries_container` have it. Parameters ---------- timeseries_container: TimeSeriesContainer Time-series for which the various plots and graphs will be returned. param_config : dict TIMEX CLUSTERING configuration parameters dictionary, used for `visualization_parameters` which contains settings to customize some plots and graphs. Returns ------- list List of Dash children. Examples -------- Given a `timexseries.timeseries_container.TimeSeriesContainer` object, obtained for example through `timexseries.data_prediction.pipeline.create_timeseries_containers`, create all the Dash object which could be shown in a Dash app: >>> param_config = { ... "input_parameters": {"source_data_url": "", ... "index_column_name": "date" ... }, ... "model_parameters": { ... "clustering_approach": "observation_based,feature_based,model_based", ... "models": "k_means,gaussian_mixture", ... "pre_transformation": "none", ... "distance_metric": "euclidean,dtw,softdtw", ... "feature_transformations": "DWT", ... "n_clusters": [3, 4, 5, 6], ... "gamma": 0.01, ... "main_accuracy_estimator": "silhouette" ... }, ... "visualization_parameters": {} ...} >>> plots = create_timeseries_dash_children(timeseries_container, param_config) """ children = [] visualization_parameters = param_config["visualization_parameters"] timeseries_data = timeseries_container.timeseries_data clustering_approach = timeseries_container.approach #clustering_models = timeseries_container.models['k_means'] # Data visualization with plots children.extend([ html.H2(children = clustering_approach + (' approach analysis'), id=clustering_approach), html.H3("Data visualization"), timeseries_plot(timeseries_data), #histogram_plot(timeseries_data), #box_plot(timeseries_data, visualization_parameters), #components_plot(timeseries_data), ]) # Plot the clustering results, if requested. if timeseries_container.models is not None: param_configuration = param_config["model_parameters"] pre_transformation = param_configuration["pre_transformation"] main_accuracy_estimator = param_configuration["main_accuracy_estimator"] models = timeseries_container.models.copy() best_model_dict = timeseries_container.best_model children.append( html.H3("Clustering results"), ) all_performances = [] best_performances = [] for model_name in models: model = models[model_name] model_characteristic = {} for metric_key in model: metric = model[metric_key] #ModelResult object model_performances = metric.results #[SingleResult] model_characteristic = metric.characteristics.copy() all_performances.append(model_performances) #[[SingleResult]] all_performances_order = all_performances.copy() for list_singleR in all_performances_order: if main_accuracy_estimator=="silhouette": list_singleR.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x.performances, main_accuracy_estimator), reverse=True) else: list_singleR.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x.performances, main_accuracy_estimator)) best_performances = [x[0] for x in all_performances_order] #[SingleResult] if main_accuracy_estimator=="silhouette": best_performances.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x.performances, main_accuracy_estimator), reverse=True) else: best_performances.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x.performances, main_accuracy_estimator)) best_model = best_performances[0].characteristics['model'] best_metric = best_performances[0].characteristics['distance_metric'] model_characteristic['n_clusters'] = param_configuration['n_clusters'] #List of all the distance metrics if best_model=='K Means': best_model='k_means' model_characteristic['distance_metric'] = param_configuration['distance_metric'] #'Log-Likelihood' elif best_model=='Gaussian Mixture Model': best_model='gaussian_mixture' model_characteristic['distance_metric'] = best_performances[0].characteristics['distance_metric'] #'Log-Likelihood' if best_metric=='Euclidean': best_metric='euclidean' elif best_metric=='DTW': best_metric='dtw' elif best_metric=='SoftDTW': best_metric='softdtw' if pre_transformation == 'none': #Plot the cluster plots only with the original data and cluster centers children.extend([ html.H4(f"{model_name}"), characteristics_list(model_characteristic, best_performances[0]), cluster_plot(timeseries_container, model), performance_plot(param_config, all_performances), validation_performance_info(), cluster_distribution_plot(timeseries_container.models[best_model][best_metric].best_clustering), cluster_distribution_table(timeseries_container.best_model['clusters_table']), ]) else: #Plot the cluster plots only with the original and the transformed data and cluster centers dcc_original_data = cluster_plot(timeseries_container, model) pre_transf = transformation_factory(pre_transformation) timeseries_container_transf = TimeSeriesContainer(timeseries_container.timeseries_data.copy(),timeseries_container.approach, timeseries_container.models.copy(),timeseries_container.best_model.copy(), timeseries_container.xcorr) timeseries_container_transf.timeseries_data = pre_transf.apply(timeseries_container_transf.timeseries_data) model_transf = model.copy() for key in model: modelResult_original = model[key] modelResult_transf = ModelResult(modelResult_original.best_clustering.copy(), modelResult_original.results.copy(), modelResult_original.characteristics.copy(), modelResult_original.cluster_centers.copy()) modelResult_transf.cluster_centers = pre_transf.apply(modelResult_transf.cluster_centers.copy()) model_transf[key] = modelResult_transf children.extend([ html.H4(f"{model_name}"), characteristics_list(model_characteristic, best_performances[0]), dcc_original_data, cluster_plot(timeseries_container_transf, model_transf, True), performance_plot(param_config, all_performances), validation_performance_info(), cluster_distribution_plot(timeseries_container.models[best_model][best_metric].best_clustering), cluster_distribution_table(timeseries_container.best_model['clusters_table']), ]) # EXTRA # Plot cross-correlation plot and graphs, if requested. if timeseries_container.xcorr is not None: graph_corr_threshold = visualization_parameters[ "xcorr_graph_threshold"] if "xcorr_graph_threshold" in visualization_parameters else None children.extend([ html.H3("Cross-correlation"), html.Div("Negative lags (left part) show the correlation between this scenario and the future of the " "others."), html.Div("Meanwhile, positive lags (right part) shows the correlation between this scenario " "and the past of the others."), cross_correlation_plot(timeseries_container.xcorr), html.Div("The peaks found using each cross-correlation modality are shown in the graphs:"), cross_correlation_graph(clustering_approach, timeseries_container.xcorr, graph_corr_threshold) ]) return children
def cross_correlation_graph(name: str, xcorr: dict, threshold: float = 0) ‑> dash_core_components.Graph.Graph
Create and return the cross-correlation graphs for all the columns in the dataframe. A graph is created for each mode used to compute the x-correlation.
The nodes are all the time-series which can be found in
; an arc is drawn fromtarget
node to another node if the cross-correlation with that time-series, at any lag, is above thethreshold
. The arc contains also the information on the lag.Parameters
- Name of the target.
- Cross-correlation dataframe.
- Minimum value of correlation for which a edge should be drawn. Default 0.
This is thought to be shown in a Dash app, so it could be difficult to show in Jupyter.
>>> xcorr_graph = cross_correlation_graph("a", timeseries_container.xcorr, 0.7)
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def cross_correlation_graph(name: str, xcorr: dict, threshold: float = 0) -> dcc.Graph: """ Create and return the cross-correlation graphs for all the columns in the dataframe. A graph is created for each mode used to compute the x-correlation. The nodes are all the time-series which can be found in `xcorr`; an arc is drawn from `target` node to another node if the cross-correlation with that time-series, at any lag, is above the `threshold`. The arc contains also the information on the lag. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the target. xcorr : dict Cross-correlation dataframe. threshold : int Minimum value of correlation for which a edge should be drawn. Default 0. Returns ------- g : dcc.Graph Examples -------- This is thought to be shown in a Dash app, so it could be difficult to show in Jupyter. >>> xcorr_graph = cross_correlation_graph("a", timeseries_container.xcorr, 0.7) """ figures = [] i = 0 for mode in xcorr: G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(xcorr[mode].columns) G.add_node(name) for col in xcorr[mode].columns: index_of_max = xcorr[mode][col].abs().idxmax() corr = xcorr[mode].loc[index_of_max, col] if abs(corr) > threshold: G.add_edge(name, col, corr=corr, lag=index_of_max) pos = nx.layout.spring_layout(G) # Create Edges edge_trace = go.Scatter( x=[], y=[], line=dict(color='black'), mode='lines', hoverinfo='skip', ) for edge in G.edges(): start = edge[0] end = edge[1] x0, y0 = pos.get(start) x1, y1 = pos.get(end) edge_trace['x'] += tuple([x0, x1, None]) edge_trace['y'] += tuple([y0, y1, None]) # Create Nodes node_trace = go.Scatter( x=[], y=[], mode='markers+text', text=[node for node in G.nodes], textposition="bottom center", hoverinfo='skip', marker=dict( color='green', size=15) ) for node in G.nodes(): x, y = pos.get(node) node_trace['x'] += tuple([x]) node_trace['y'] += tuple([y]) # Annotations to support arrows edges_positions = [e for e in G.edges] annotateArrows = [dict(showarrow=True, arrowsize=1.0, arrowwidth=2, arrowhead=2, standoff=2, startstandoff=2, ax=pos[arrow[0]][0], ay=pos[arrow[0]][1], axref='x', ayref='y', x=pos[arrow[1]][0], y=pos[arrow[1]][1], xref='x', yref='y', text="bla") for arrow in edges_positions] graph = go.Figure(data=[node_trace, edge_trace], layout=go.Layout(title=str(mode), xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), showlegend=False, annotations=annotateArrows, height=400, margin=dict(l=10, r=10, t=50, b=30))) # Add annotations on edges for e in G.edges: lag = str(G.edges[e]['lag']) corr = str(round(G.edges[e]['corr'], 3)) end = e[1] x, y = pos.get(end) graph.add_annotation(x=x, y=y, text=_("Lag: ") + lag + ", corr: " + corr, yshift=20, showarrow=False, bgcolor='white') figures.append(graph) i += 1 n_graphs = len(figures) if n_graphs == 1: g = dcc.Graph(figure=figures[0]) elif n_graphs == 2: g = html.Div(dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(figure=figures[0])), dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(figure=figures[1])) ])) elif n_graphs == 3: g = html.Div([ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(figure=figures[0])), dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(figure=figures[1])) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(figure=figures[2])) ]) ]) elif n_graphs == 4: g = html.Div([ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(figure=figures[0])), dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(figure=figures[1])), ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(figure=figures[2])), dbc.Col(dcc.Graph(figure=figures[3])) ]) ]) else: g = html.Div() return g
def cross_correlation_plot(xcorr: dict)
Create and return the cross-correlation plot for all the columns in the dataframe. The time-series column is used as target; the correlation is shown in a subplot for every modality used to compute the x-correlation.
- Cross-correlation values.
Get the
attribute if you want to display this in a Jupyter notebook.>>> xcorr_plot = cross_correlation_plot(timeseries_container.xcorr).figure >>>
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def cross_correlation_plot(xcorr: dict): """ Create and return the cross-correlation plot for all the columns in the dataframe. The time-series column is used as target; the correlation is shown in a subplot for every modality used to compute the x-correlation. Parameters ---------- xcorr : dict Cross-correlation values. Returns ------- g : dcc.Graph Examples -------- Get the `figure` attribute if you want to display this in a Jupyter notebook. >>> xcorr_plot = cross_correlation_plot(timeseries_container.xcorr).figure >>> """ subplots = len(xcorr) combs = [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)] rows = 1 if subplots < 3 else 2 cols = 1 if subplots < 2 else 2 fig = make_subplots( rows=rows, cols=cols, subplot_titles=([*xcorr.keys()])) i = 0 for mode in xcorr: for col in xcorr[mode].columns: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=xcorr[mode].index, y=xcorr[mode][col], mode='lines', name=col, legendgroup=col, line=dict(color=ColorHash(col).hex), showlegend=True if i == 0 else False), row=combs[i][0], col=combs[i][1]) i += 1 # Formula from # significance_level = DataFrame(columns=['Value'], dtype=np.float64) # for i in range(-lags, lags): # significance_level.loc[i] = 2 / np.sqrt(lags - abs(i)) # fig.add_trace( # go.Scatter(x=significance_level.index, y=significance_level['Value'], line=dict(color='gray', width=1), name='z95')) # fig.add_trace( # go.Scatter(x=significance_level.index, y=-significance_level['Value'], line=dict(color='gray', width=1), name='-z95')) fig.update_layout(title=_("Cross-correlation using different algorithms")) fig.update_xaxes(title_text=_("Lags")) fig.update_yaxes(tick0=-1.0, dtick=0.25, range=[-1.2, 1.2], title_text=_("Correlation")) g = dcc.Graph( figure=fig ) return g
def line_plot(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) ‑> dash_core_components.Graph.Graph
Create and return the line plot for a dataframe. Parameters
- Dataframe to plot.
- Dash object containing the line plot.
Get the
attribute if you want to display this in a Jupyter notebook.>>> line_plot = line_plot(timeseries_container.timeseries_data).figure >>>
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def line_plot(df: DataFrame) -> dcc.Graph: """ Create and return the line plot for a dataframe. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame Dataframe to plot. Returns ------- g : dcc.Graph Dash object containing the line plot. Examples -------- Get the `figure` attribute if you want to display this in a Jupyter notebook. >>> line_plot = line_plot(timeseries_container.timeseries_data).figure >>> """ fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=df.iloc[:, 0], mode='lines+markers')) fig.update_layout(title='Line plot',, yaxis_title=df.columns[0]) g = dcc.Graph( figure=fig ) return g
def performance_plot(param_config: dict, all_performances: List) ‑> dash_core_components.Graph.Graph
Create and return the performance plot of the model; for every error kind (i.e. Silhouette, Davies Bouldin, etc) plot the values it assumes using different clustering model parameters.
- TIMEX configuration parameters dictionary.
- List of [SingleResults] objects. Every object is related to a different model parameter configuration, hence it shows the performance using that configuration.
See Also
create_timeseries_dash_childrento check the use.
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def performance_plot(param_config : dict, all_performances: List) -> dcc.Graph: """ Create and return the performance plot of the model; for every error kind (i.e. Silhouette, Davies Bouldin, etc) plot the values it assumes using different clustering model parameters. Parameters ---------- param_config : dict TIMEX configuration parameters dictionary. all_performances : List List of [SingleResults] objects. Every object is related to a different model parameter configuration, hence it shows the performance using that configuration. Returns ------- g : dcc.Graph See Also -------- Check `create_timeseries_dash_children` to check the use. """ import numpy distance_metrics = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["distance_metric"].split(",")] n_cluster_test_values = param_config['model_parameters']['n_clusters'] transformations = [*param_config["model_parameters"]["feature_transformations"].split(",")] fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.02) n_cls = len(n_cluster_test_values) #--------------------------------- #Plot of Observation based results if all_performances[0][0].characteristics['clustering_approach']=='Observation based': nparray_performances = numpy.zeros((n_cls,9)) for metric in all_performances: nc=0 for n_cluster in metric: if n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='Euclidean': nc_insert = nc if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) nparray_performances[nc_insert][0] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette nparray_performances[nc_insert][1] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin nparray_performances[nc_insert][2] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters'] elif n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='DTW': nc_insert = nc if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) nparray_performances[nc_insert][3] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette nparray_performances[nc_insert][4] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin nparray_performances[nc_insert][5] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz elif n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='SoftDTW': nc_insert = nc if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) nparray_performances[nc_insert][6] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette nparray_performances[nc_insert][7] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin nparray_performances[nc_insert][8] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz nc=nc+1 df_performances = pandas.DataFrame(nparray_performances, columns=['silhouette_ED', 'davies_bouldin_ED', 'calinski_harabasz_ED', 'silhouette_DTW', 'davies_bouldin_DTW', 'calinski_harabasz_DTW', 'silhouette_softDTW', 'davies_bouldin_softDTW', 'calinski_harabasz_softDTW']) # Euclidian metric plots if 'euclidean' in distance_metrics: fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['silhouette_ED'], line=dict(color='magenta'), mode="lines+markers", name='Silhouette ED'), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['davies_bouldin_ED'], line=dict(color='yellow'), mode="lines+markers", name='Davies Bouldin ED'), row=2, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['calinski_harabasz_ED'], line=dict(color='DeepSkyBlue'), mode="lines+markers", name='Calinski Harabasz ED'), row=3, col=1) # DTW metric plots if 'dtw' in distance_metrics: fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['silhouette_DTW'], line=dict(color='goldenrod'), mode="lines+markers", name='Silhouette DTW'), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['davies_bouldin_DTW'], line=dict(color='limegreen'), mode="lines+markers", name='Davies Bouldin DTW'), row=2, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['calinski_harabasz_DTW'], line=dict(color='purple'), mode="lines+markers", name='Calinski Harabasz DTW'), row=3, col=1) # SoftDTW metric plots if 'softdtw' in distance_metrics: fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['silhouette_softDTW'], line=dict(color='red'), mode="lines+markers", name='Silhouette Soft DTW'), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['davies_bouldin_softDTW'], line=dict(color='green'), mode="lines+markers", name='Davies Bouldin Soft DTW'), row=2, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['calinski_harabasz_softDTW'], line=dict(color='blue'), mode="lines+markers", name='Calinski Harabasz Soft DTW'), row=3, col=1) #--------------------------------- #Plot of Feature based results elif all_performances[0][0].characteristics['clustering_approach']=='Feature based': num_trans = len(transformations) nparray_performances = numpy.zeros((n_cls*num_trans,9)) for metric in all_performances: nc=0 for n_cluster in metric: if n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='Euclidean' and n_cluster.characteristics['feature_transformation']=='DWT': nc_insert = nc if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) nparray_performances[nc_insert][0] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette nparray_performances[nc_insert][1] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin nparray_performances[nc_insert][2] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz elif n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='DTW' and n_cluster.characteristics['feature_transformation']=='DWT': nc_insert = nc if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) nparray_performances[nc_insert][3] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette nparray_performances[nc_insert][4] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin nparray_performances[nc_insert][5] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz elif n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='SoftDTW' and n_cluster.characteristics['feature_transformation']=='DWT': nc_insert = nc if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) nparray_performances[nc_insert][6] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette nparray_performances[nc_insert][7] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin nparray_performances[nc_insert][8] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz nc=nc+1 df_performances = pandas.DataFrame(nparray_performances, columns=['silhouette_ED_DWT', 'davies_bouldin_ED_DWT', 'calinski_harabasz_ED_DWT', 'silhouette_DTW_DWT', 'davies_bouldin_DTW_DWT', 'calinski_harabasz_DTW_DWT', 'silhouette_softDTW_DWT', 'davies_bouldin_softDTW_DWT', 'calinski_harabasz_softDTW_DWT']) # Euclidian metric plots with DWT transformation if 'euclidean' in distance_metrics: fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,0], line=dict(color='magenta'), mode="lines+markers", name='Silhouette ED-DWT'), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,1], line=dict(color='yellow'), mode="lines+markers", name='Davies Bouldin ED-DWT'), row=2, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,2], line=dict(color='DeepSkyBlue'), mode="lines+markers", name='Calinski Harabasz ED-DWT'), row=3, col=1) # DTW metric plots with DWT transformation if 'dtw' in distance_metrics: fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,3], line=dict(color='goldenrod'), mode="lines+markers", name='Silhouette DTW-DWT'), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,4], line=dict(color='limegreen'), mode="lines+markers", name='Davies Bouldin DTW-DWT'), row=2, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,5], line=dict(color='purple'), mode="lines+markers", name='Calinski Harabasz DTW-DWT'), row=3, col=1) # SoftDTW metric plots with DWT transformation if 'softdtw' in distance_metrics: fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,6], line=dict(color='red'), mode="lines+markers", name='Silhouette Soft DTW-DWT'), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,7], line=dict(color='green'), mode="lines+markers", name='Davies Bouldin Soft DTW-DWT'), row=2, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[0:n_cls,8], line=dict(color='blue'), mode="lines+markers", name='Calinski Harabasz Soft DTW-DWT'), row=3, col=1) # Euclidian metric plots with DFT transformation if 'euclidean' in distance_metrics: fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,0], line=dict(color='magenta'), mode="lines+markers", name='Silhouette ED-DFT'), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,1], line=dict(color='yellow'), mode="lines+markers", name='Davies Bouldin ED-DFT'), row=2, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,2], line=dict(color='DeepSkyBlue'), mode="lines+markers", name='Calinski Harabasz ED-DFT'), row=3, col=1) # DTW metric plots with DFT transformation if 'dtw' in distance_metrics: fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,3], line=dict(color='goldenrod'), mode="lines+markers", name='Silhouette DTW-DFT'), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,4], line=dict(color='limegreen'), mode="lines+markers", name='Davies Bouldin DTW-DFT'), row=2, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,5], line=dict(color='purple'), mode="lines+markers", name='Calinski Harabasz DTW-DFT'), row=3, col=1) # SoftDTW metric plots with DFT transformation if 'softdtw' in distance_metrics: fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,6], line=dict(color='red'), mode="lines+markers", name='Silhouette Soft DTW-DFT'), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,7], line=dict(color='green'), mode="lines+markers", name='Davies Bouldin Soft DTW-DFT'), row=2, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances.iloc[n_cls:,8], line=dict(color='blue'), mode="lines+markers", name='Calinski Harabasz Soft DTW-DFT'), row=3, col=1) #--------------------------------- #Plot of Model based results elif all_performances[0][0].characteristics['clustering_approach']=='Model based': nparray_performances = numpy.zeros((n_cls,3)) for metric in all_performances: nc=0 for n_cluster in metric: if n_cluster.characteristics['distance_metric']=='Log-likelihood': nc_insert = nc if n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']>n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) elif n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']<n_cluster_test_values[nc]: nc_insert = nc+(n_cluster.characteristics['n_clusters']-n_cluster_test_values[nc]) nparray_performances[nc_insert][0] = n_cluster.performances.silhouette nparray_performances[nc_insert][1] = n_cluster.performances.davies_bouldin nparray_performances[nc_insert][2] = n_cluster.performances.calinski_harabasz nc=nc+1 df_performances = pandas.DataFrame(nparray_performances, columns=['silhouette_score', 'davies_bouldin_score', 'calinski_harabasz_score']) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['silhouette_score'], line=dict(color='magenta'), mode="lines+markers", name='Silhouette score'), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['davies_bouldin_score'], line=dict(color='yellow'), mode="lines+markers", name='Davies Bouldin score'), row=2, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=n_cluster_test_values, y=df_performances['calinski_harabasz_score'], line=dict(color='DeepSkyBlue'), mode="lines+markers", name='Calinski Harabasz score'), row=3, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Silhouette", row=1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Davies Bouldin", row=2, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Calinski Harabasz", row=3, col=1) fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Number of clusters", row=3, col=1) fig.update_layout(title='Performances with different number of clusters', height=750) g = dcc.Graph( figure=fig ) return g
def show_errors_html(best_performances: SingleResult) ‑> dash_html_components.Ul.Ul
Create an HTML list with the best performance evaluation criteria result.
- Error metrics to show.
- HTML list with all the error-metrics.
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def show_errors_html(best_performances: SingleResult) -> html.Ul: """ Create an HTML list with the best performance evaluation criteria result. Parameters ---------- best_performances : SingleResult Error metrics to show. Returns ------- html.Ul HTML list with all the error-metrics. """ import math def round_n(n: float): dec_part, int_part = math.modf(n) if abs(int_part) > 1: return str(round(n, 3)) else: return format(n, '.3g') def get_text_char(key: str, value: any) -> str: switcher = { "silhouette": "Silhouette score: " + value, "davies_bouldin": "Davies Bouldin score: " + value, "calinski_harabasz": "Calinski Harabasz score: " + value, "distance_metric": "Best distance metric: " + value, "n_clusters": "Best number of clusters: " + value, "pre_transformation":'Preprocessing transformation: ' + value, "feature_transformation": ('The model has used a ') + value + ( ' feature transformation on the input data.') if value != "none" else ('The model has not used any feature transformation on input data.') } return switcher.get(key, "Invalid choice!") best_performances_dict = best_performances.performances.get_dict() for key in best_performances_dict: best_performances_dict[key] = round_n(best_performances_dict[key]) best_performances_dict['distance_metric'] = best_performances.characteristics['distance_metric'] best_performances_dict['n_clusters'] = str(best_performances.characteristics['n_clusters']) best_performances_dict['feature_transformation'] = best_performances.characteristics['feature_transformation'] best_performances_dict['pre_transformation'] = best_performances.characteristics['pre_transformation'] return html.Ul([html.Li(get_text_char(key, best_performances_dict[key])) for key in best_performances_dict])
def timeseries_plot(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) ‑> dash_core_components.Graph.Graph
Create and return a plot which contains the time series of a dataframe. The plot is built using a dataframe:
includes the raw data ingested by the app, whilecluster_data
contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics and cluster centers made by a model.Parameters
- Raw values ingested by the app.
See Also
create_timeseries_dash_childrento check the use.
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def timeseries_plot(df: DataFrame) -> dcc.Graph: """ Create and return a plot which contains the time series of a dataframe. The plot is built using a dataframe: `ingested_data`. `ingested_data` includes the raw data ingested by the app, while `cluster_data` contains the cluster indexes, cluster characteristics and cluster centers made by a model. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame Raw values ingested by the app. Returns ------- g : dcc.Graph See Also -------- Check `create_timeseries_dash_children` to check the use. """ fig = go.Figure() for i in df.columns[0:]: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=df[i], mode='lines', name=i)) fig.update_layout(title=("Time-Series ingested"), g = dcc.Graph( figure=fig ) return g
def validation_performance_info() ‑> dash_html_components.Div.Div
Create and return an HTML Div which contains a information of the performance scores..
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def validation_performance_info()-> html.Div: """ Create and return an HTML Div which contains a information of the performance scores.. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- html.Div() """ """ info = [html.Div('Silhouette Coefficient:' 'The score is bounded between -1 for incorrect clustering and +1 for highly dense clustering.' 'Scores around zero indicate overlapping clusters. The score is higher when clusters are dense and well separated, which relates to a standard concept of a cluster.' 'The Silhouette Coefficient is generally higher for convex clusters than other concepts of clusters'), html.Div('Calinski-Harabasz Index:' 'Also known as the Variance Ratio Criterion.The score is higher when clusters are dense and well separated, which relates to a standard concept of a cluster.' 'The index is the ratio of the sum of between-clusters dispersion and of within-cluster dispersion for all clusters (where dispersion is defined as the sum of distances squared)'), html.Div('Davies-Bouldin Index:' 'It can be used to evaluate the model, where a lower Davies-Bouldin index relates to a model with better separation between the clusters.' 'Zero is the lowest possible score. Values closer to zero indicate a better partition.'), ] """ markdown_text = ''' **Silhouette Coefficient:** The score is bounded between -1 for incorrect clustering and +1 for highly dense clustering. Scores around zero indicate overlapping clusters. The score is higher when clusters are dense and well separated. The Silhouette Coefficient is generally higher for convex clusters than other concepts of clusters. **Calinski-Harabasz Index:** Also known as the Variance Ratio Criterion, the score is higher when clusters are dense and well separated. The index is the ratio of the sum of between-clusters dispersion and of within-cluster dispersion for all clusters (where dispersion is defined as the sum of distances squared) **Davies-Bouldin Index:** It can be used to evaluate the model, where a lower Davies-Bouldin index relates to a model with better separation between the clusters. Zero is the lowest possible score. Values closer to zero indicate a better partition. ''' return html.Div(dcc.Markdown(children=markdown_text))